Chapter 8

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I arrived at my apartment building and got out, waving at Francesco before waltzing into the dingy complex. I ran up the single flight of stairs and into my tiny apartment. Everything felt so small after being in Frank's house, with his beautiful art and ridiculously high ceilings. I sat down on my couch and called Lindsey. "Hello? Gerard? Whats up dude?" I sighed and she must've seen my heart eyes because she laughed, "Frank got you hooked that bad? Damn dude, that beat Jamia's record for making me fall in love in 3 days. She's gonna be pissed." I giggled and sighed again.

"Oh lindz, he's perfect, I think this is what love feels like. Oh god I can imagine us married with kids living in that big ol' mansion of his and growing old together." I sighed again. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Big mansion? Italian? What's his last name Gee?" she questioned me.

"Iero. Isn't that beautiful?" I said dreamily, lost in a world of life with Frank.

"Iero? Gee do you know..." she left her sentence unfinished and I ignored her. I flopped across the couch, setting the phone down on the table. I stared at my water stained ceiling before picking up a pad of paper, forgetting Lindsey on the phone. I drew Frank's face again and again, all of his arm tattoos and him with butterflies, roses, down on one knee, in a suit. However I could imagine him, I drew. My phone was beeping from a lost connection but I didn't hear it over my thoughts.

~le time skip to school~

I walked up to the school, about to enter before two very buff men stepped in front of me. I recognized them as the men who followed me and Frank on our date and I got confused. "Hello sirs, why are you here? Did I do something? Does Frankie want to see me? He could've just texted you know." the men exchanged looks, before turning back to me. I glanced around, noticing quite a few people staring. One of the men put a hand up to his ear, whispering something I couldn't hear.

The other man grumbled to me, "Frank sent us to make sure you are secure at all times. We're going to be following you throughout your day. We will not disturb you or interact with others unless they appear to be a threat to your safety. Did he not tell you any of this?" I shook my head, my mouth twisting to the side.

"Ok, well now that we've talked about that, shall we head inside gentlemen?" I asked cheerily, already starting my march into the school doors. My skirt swished and I heard the men behind me growl. I giggled softly, walking to my locker, swinging it open. I noticed people making a wide circle around me, and laughed when I saw the guards making menacing faces at anyone who came within 6 feet of me. I shut my locker and marched off, the guards following me like lost puppies. I entered my class and they followed, taking up position in the corner closest to me.

Bert walked in and saw me, not having seen the security guards following me down the hall. He walked over and sat on my desk, smiling sickeningly sweetly at me. "Meet me on the football field during lunch, bring some Advil." he winked at me and walked off to join Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, his cronies. I glanced back at my guards and they were watching Bert closely, and I could tell they already hated his guts.

The teacher walked in and noticed the men right away, confused. "Excuse me sirs, this is not for the public, if I may ask, why are you here?" the guards smirked, holding up a badge I didn't know they had.

"Frank Iero sent us to protect Gerard Way from any harm," I shrunk in on myself as they continued to speak, "I quote him on this: protect my baby boy from any harm that may come to him, if anyone questions you, give them hell." I shrunk down into my seat, the usage of baby boy making everyone stare at me with curiosity and new interest.

The teacher stood there, flabbergasted, "Oh well, if Mr. Iero sent you... then I suppose you can stay, Gerard, stick near those men please." I smirked at the clearly weirded out teacher. I must say this whole situation is pretty odd.

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