Chapter 16

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I arrived at school, smoothing out my skirt as I walked through the doors, closely followed by Christafano and Peiro. Bert called to me but I ignored him, as Peiro had instructed for me to do. I pranced over to my locker and grabbed my pink pencil case and sketchbook, ignoring the textbooks, as Frank had told me to do. I turned to Christafano and smiled, making him grin right back at me.

I walked into class a little early, as to get my regular spot, but it appeared it was already taken by Bert and his friends. I pouted, but turned away and went to get a different seat, but Peiro growled and grabbed my hand, marching over to Bert. "Excuse me, I do believe that's Gerard's seat. Now move, Frank has given me permission to kick your ass after that last stunt you pulled." Bert paled, and stood up, faster than I had ever seen him move. Peiro snapped his fingers and Christafano pulled out the chair, shoving Justin and Selena away from the table.

I gasped at the violence but was still grateful for someone standing up for me. I sat down in my seat and Christafano pushed me in. I giggled, and patted the seats on either side of me for the both of them to sit. Christafano sat and I leaned onto his shoulder, putting my sketchbook on the desk and flipping to a new page, sending a reassuring glance at Christafano before rolling back my eyes, feeling him shift in worry next to me. I put my pencil down on the page and felt my hand start to move, humming quietly and filling my head with thoughts of flowers and skulls and vampires and bunnies.

An hour later, the bell rang and I rolled my eyes back to the proper direction. I glanced down at my picture, a bunny skull with flowers growing out of it. I found it odd there were no vampires, but it is what it is. I sighed, standing up, walking out of the classroom. I ignored the sound of the guards rushing to catch up behind me. I walked out to the football field to where the flowers grow under the bleachers.

A tiny object caught my eye, and I stared at it, trying to make my brain register the item. It was a bunny skull with flowers growing out of it, just like the one I had drawn. I brushed it off as a simple coincidence, sure this was just something I had missed the other day.

Mafia Man and Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن