Chapter 4

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This Chapter is dedicated to TheUJelly_ for having me hooked onto half of her books! And as a request for her to update Where they went!! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!

The song for this chapter is Human by Christina Perri.


Sacrifice is a part of life. You can never be truly happy until you've been truly sad. My life has been full of ups and downs but thats life. I have never known what it's like to be truly happy but I've known what it's like to be truly sad and feel so much pain that you become a shell. You shut your humanity off. Just like it's a switch.

That's what I think he's done. He's miserable and by making sacrifices I hope we can be each other's true happiness.


I woke up to a curious pair of blue eyes staring at me. "Morning Emily" I said in a weird husky voice damn I need water.. She blushed and hid under the covers awe I love this little thing.

"C'mon Hun we need to go have breakfast I'm starving." I said.

More like hoping to see Raymond again. A voice in my head taunted.

Emily nodded and quickly scurried off the bed. I tried to tame my hair.. I swear it turns into a beast overnight. I stepped into the washroom and told Emily "wait here I'll be back in a second"

I quickly did my business not wanting to leave the 5 year old alone for some reason. I was pretty shocked to find anything you might need already there.. Tooth brushes, combs, shampoos, etc.

As soon as I stepped out of the room with Emily towing behind me I almost stumbled and fell on my face. Damn me and my clumsiness.

There was a note on the floor. I stuffed it in my pocket and I would read it later.

I grabbed Emily and walked down to the kitchen and I swear this sight was enough to make me drool.

There he was,Raymond, sitting on the kitchen counter SHIRTLESS in a pair of sweatpants having breakfast.

"Good morning" I said grumpily as I shuffled through the fridge after placing Emily on a stool.

"That it is now that you're here." He says with a smirk plastered on his face making me feel all weird.

I opened a cupboard to find every type of cereal that there can be in it.

"Is this all you eat?" I asked grabbing a box of lucky charms.

I served me and Emily some and started eating.

"Well I don't want to burn the house down with my amazing cooking." He says making me snicker.

He shot me glare and I smirked at him.

"Emily get ready you have school rose will be here to pick you up soon." He said as he left his dishes in the sink and got up to leave.

"Go get ready I'll meet you in my room in 10!" I said to Emily making her giggle as she jumped down and ran to her room.

I left the dishes in the sink and made my way to my room.

I found a fresh pair of clothes on my bed next to a notepad.

See he does care. Said the voice in my head.

No, He doesn't. I shot back but deep down I knew he did. He had to.

How many kidnappers who don't care would do this? More like how many kidnappers would do this?

He does not want me. Even though I knew this it stung to admit it. I'm human and I should be freaking out but I don't know why I'm so used to this idea of mates and I actually want this. Fuck you werewolf books.

He does you idiot.

You are me.

The idea of actually staying here and being with him seemed so brilliant. Something in me just doesn't want me to leave. Normally one would be planning an escape but now I have no idea what normal is.

Instead of that cocky smirk and that stone cold expression I want a real smile to be on his face.

I want us to be that adorable couple in the garden that chase each other and act as if all they need is themselves. Because they do.

I can do it. I'm going to do it. Something made him what he is today and I'm going to figure out what. If We still can't be happy... I'll leave.

But first, I'm going to give him time.

What else have I got to do anyways?

A note will come up later. I'm working on editing right now please don't be confused.

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