I look around the room and they're all teary eyed and smiley. I look at Phoenix and he's looking at me. We grin at each other and turn back to the monitor, the doctor takes measurements of everything.

"Okay I have good news sweetie, the baby is growing fast, its lungs are very well developed and he is actually a little over week ahead of schedule regarding his weight and size" Patricia tells me and I heave a sigh of relief.

I was scared all the malnutrition, stress, anxiety and beatings would affect him in some way.

"So the baby is okay? Nothing bad happened to it these last months" I ask on the verge of tears with a shaky voice. Patricia puts a hand on my arm

"Everything is going wonderfully Aurora, you have a healthy baby" I smile

"Now, the moment you've been waiting for!" She says. Holy crap. I'm about to know!

"Aurora, you are having a baby boy" she tells us. It's a boy!!

"Heck yeah"

"A boy!"

"Holy shit!"

"I told you fuckers!"

"It must be a mistake I'm never wrong" I laugh at this. Dad is shocked he didn't get it right. He looks at us all wide eyed but happy.

We are all smiling and they congratulate me.
I turn to Phoenix "We are having a boy" I say smiling.

"Yes baby, we are having a boy" he laughs and I giggle. Giggle. I never do that. Why is this boy turning me to mush?

"I know nothing about boys how will I raise one?" I say with a little panic but my family laughs at me.

"Good thing you have 5 brothers, a dad and a boyfriend to teach you all you need to know" Carter says. I halfheartedly laugh, I don't know if it's a good thing because they have devilish grins, specially Theo.

"Oh the things I'm gonna teach the little dude, he's gonna be just like Uncle M" he says. Holy hell...I'm in for a world of mischief.

"Congratulations Rora I am sure you'll be a great mom!" Patricia says "but now I'm gonna need you all to step out so I can start on the labor plan with the mom and dad" she says, still smiling. This woman never loses her smile I swear.

My brothers all grunt in annoyance about having to leave. I would've thought they wanted to run out of here at the mention of labor.

They all kiss me in the forehead and tell me encouraging things before leaving but dad stays where he is.

"I'm not leaving, I saw my kids births I'm used to it and she is my daughter, maybe there's something I can do to help" he says and I smile at him. Dad would go to war for me I guess labor talk isn't that bad for him.

"Alright" Patricia smiles and hands me some papers

"I'm gonna leave the room for a few minutes so you can fill those questions in together and I'll come back to go over it with you okay?" She says and we nod.

I look at the questions as dad sits on the end of the bed and Nix beside me.

"I have no idea what the hell I want" I say and we laugh "but I do know I want meds. Lots of them as long as they are safe for the baby. I don't think I can handle the pain" I say with a sigh

Phoenix kisses my head "whatever you want to do baby I'm here"

"Do you want to be there?" I ask realizing I just assumed he'd be by my side during labor. He frowns a little "of course I will Rora" we smile

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