25| Sister

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"The unexpected guests just keep coming..."


"They look so cute!" I say

"It's not fair, last night was my night with RoRo"

"I want to throw him out the window" Sandro

"Sandro! I do too when he's holding her like that but we don't say those things out loud son" dad replies

"I mean, he's not wrong dad. We can't be okay with our little sister dating" comes from Theo

"Guys come on, he makes her happy and our niece or nephew deserves to have a dad" I whisper

"A dad!?"

"Baby doesn't need a dad"

"Wait and who the fuck said they would be dating?"

"Hell no"

Comes a wave of replies. I sigh. We are watching Rora and Phoenix sleep. After they came up last night they didn't come back down so we checked on them every few hours to make sure they just slept.

Now it's about 7am and they promised us Açaí bowls. We're fighting for who wakes them up.

"Well dad, you are the father so it should be you" I say

"Naah I give the orders here so Atlas? Mind waking your twin up?"

"Hell no, last time I woke RoRo up she hit me with a pillow...repeatedly, besides—ohh heyyy babe" he trails off as he sees Zach coming out
from a shower and blushes.

We all know they both slept inside Artie's room although they tried to be quiet. I don't know how they didn't wake Aurora up.

Little Eli stayed with a nanny after playing for a while with Abby, he was happy to have a kid to play with even though she's too small to do much more than laugh at what he does.

"Good morning! Is my brother up yet?" Zach asks

"No" we all say in unison.

"No one knows how to wake them up" Alessandro explains

Zachariah just sighs and shakes his head. He gets into the room murmuring something about us all being dicks because we are too weak to be pussies.

Phoenix woke up first. Any lesser man would've been scared of waking up to find all her family staring at them after sleeping beside a girl but Nix doesn't even flinch.

He just gently shakes Rora awake and guess what? She. Fucking. Smiles

Every time one of us wakes her up we wind up with bruised body parts or worse—she goes for our egos. But she smiles at the dude and frowns as she sees us all in the doorway.

Only dad has had the privilege of waking up to her smile, what can I say she's a daddy's girl after all. Well...we all are.

Having a not so present mom makes sure of that, but only when the father is as great as ours though

"Why are y'all standing there like idiots? Not you dad you are not an idiot" she says smiling at dad. See what I'm talking about?

You know how parents aren't supposed to show who their favorite child is? Well dad is pretty evident about it. Who wouldn't be if they had Rory as their kid.

Dad just goes over as she gets up and hugs her, kissing her head. The rest of us are quiet, a pregnant Aurora in the morning is not someone you want to mess with.

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