13| Danger

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"Goofballs can be broken too"

3 weeks later

We've all been trading places to sleep beside Rory, it helps with the nightmares and we usually end up fighting for who gets to sleep with her on weekends since we all have a day of the week but no weekend day. Dad usually wins.

Lucky bastard...

My baby sister is the cutest thing to ever exist. Her baby bump has grown a little bit and she's the happiest about it.

The other day we were having lunch and she looked a little bloated and she got up and said "guys look I have a teeny weeny bump now!" and smiled so widely it made me want to paint it and frame it.

At first I thought it was just because she had just eaten but the bump stuck. It was so weird as if it'd grown in a matter of a few days.

Tonight is finally my night with her of the week. She's exploring Netflix while I'm downstairs making some popcorn.

I take some of the apple juice on the fridge and pour it on her usual glass, she drinks on this the most because it has a metal lid and straw.

She's been craving apple juice like crazy, she's also pretty sensitive like for example yesterday...

Atlas was setting the table with her, they were talking about animals while the others and I carried the plates to the table but my youngest brother said:

"I personally think kangaroos are creepy" it was enough to make Rora burst into tears..inconsolably. It took me 10 minutes to get her to stop crying and eat.

She was then mad because she says she really can't control her crying and we really need to stop making her upset or angry or happy because it all makes her cry.

She's so cute. We all watch every damn thing in awe and love.

Matheo has been accompanying her to hydrotherapy and physical therapy. The day we came from the hospital he went into her room and they talked for two hours.

Now they're inseparable. Aurora's injuries have gotten remarkably better. She no longer has bruises and Alessandro takes her to her psychologist three days a week. It's really been helping her.

As for the bastard who raped her..he got free. We don't know where he is now but we've all been trying to track him. It's gotten into Rora's nerves, she had a panic attack when she found out.

She's been eating a lot better now, although mornings are still a struggle. She can't keep anything down until it's past ten am.

I take the food upstairs and find her in the hammock chair beside the bed.

"My juice!" She squeals. Did I say she's the cutest already? Well she is.

I look at the screen while I set the popcorn between us. She picked Black Panther. She's obsessed with Marvel movies now. We converted her, next we'll try with the Adam Sandler movies. Those are just classics.

"You feeling okay?" I ask her.

"I am thank you, I was thinking...my little boy will be handsome no matter what genes he gets. I hate to say it but Rodrigo wasn't ugly, maybe little man will get his green eyes and my brown hair. Either way I know he'll be the cutest little kid I've ever seen"

"I agree but I'm sure it'll be the cutest little girl we've ever seen"

We laugh and I press play. We watched penguin videos earlier and hearing the sound of my baby sister's laugh was pure heaven.

As soon as the movie is over she goes to take a shower, she's been reading lots of baby books and she read something about setting your baby's routine since they're on the womb so now she has a whole night time routine set up.

I hear the sound of the shower and go downstairs... I didn't know danger was right down the corner.

I head towards the kitchen, only to find dad in his office, a man is holding a knife to his neck and another one pointing a gun at him.

I freeze when I feel a sharp knife at my throat and a gun pressed to my lower back.

"Move and you both die"

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