3| Hope

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Tw: mentions of rape and abuse


The darkness is slowly enveloping me. I hear a door slam open. I hope I die before Riggo gets to me. I don't want to go through the punishment for trying to kill myself.

I hear someone telling me to hold on — I hear sirens and then. Nothing...

I open my eyes. Where am I? Am I dead? No. The pain in my wrists, ribs, head, my intimates and stomach tells me as much.

I look around. Oh no. I'm in a hospital bed. Did Riggo call an ambulance? No, I think he'd let me die before letting me get medical attention.

"You're awake! Welcome back" someone says

I turn to towards the voice. Huh?

"Nayil?" I say wincing at the raspiness of my throat.

"You gave us quite a scare Aurora" Us. My eyes widen. Riggo is here. Oh no. Did he send Nayil to punish me? No no no

The monitor starts beeping fast — mirroring my beating heart. Shit. He'll punish me again. Fuck!

"Shhh Aurora calm down, I won't hurt you. I'm here to help you, calm down okay? He's not here. Breathe, breathe"

A nurse comes in and puts an oxygen mask on my nose and mouth.

"Okay Aurora I'm gonna need you to breathe okay? Breathe with me. In and out. In...and out" she says

I follow her instructions and breathe with her. We do it for another minute. I finally calm down a little. I'm still wary of Nayil beside my bed.

"You did very good Rora, can I call you Rora?" My nurse tells me. I smile a little at her kindness

"Of course" I whisper

Another man comes into the room along with a woman. He's dressed in a suit and looks very professional. She looks all sweet and friendly.

I tense a little. Am I in trouble?

"Hello Aurora how are you feeling sweetie? my name is Karla. I'm your new social worker" The woman—Karla says.

"Hi. I'm confused. Am- am I in trouble?" I ask a little freaked out.

"Not at all Rora, we are actually here to help you" says Nayil from besides me. I know, douche — you've said that but how and why? I think.

"I'm still confused, you are one of his friends. So you can't be a good person" I say to Nayil

"Actually Aurora I am most certainly not a friend of Riggo...I'm an undercover agent " What. The. Fuck. Then why didn't he help me when Rodrigo was — I can't even finish the sentence.

"Nayil here was sent as an agent because we were trying to catch your foster father and his wife. We needed proof that they were indeed selling and producing drugs. Nayil befriended Riggo last night in hopes that we could get some incriminating evidence" the other guy says

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