26| Screams

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"They need her back"


2 months, 2 weeks, 1 day and 3 hours. That's how long my everything has been gone.

We're all fucked up. I don't think anyone has slept a full night since Rora was taken. We won't sleep until we find her.

It's a mess. We don't even speak to each other unless it's a clue about her whereabouts. Why did we let her go alone? I was so stupid. Having a quick fuck while she was alone outside.

She's gone out alone before to her sessions so we didn't think she was in danger but...that bitch Aisha was around this time. We should've seen it coming.

I'm worried about her well-being. She'll be about 6 and a half months pregnant by now...that is if she's still pregnant and nothing happened to her or the baby...

I shake the bad thoughts off my head and head downstairs with the others. Nothing good will come from diving deep into sadness. We need to be strong for her.

"Any news?" I ask dad. They're all in his office surrounding a map. Including Zach and Phoenix, that man hasn't stopped looking since we lost her.

We've become good friends too since we are in charge of scouting the area during the night looking for any suspicious behavior.

"We have a clue" he says without even looking up at me. I've never seen dad so...cold. I've been an asshole too. Well, more so than I always am.

Some days...when we really start losing hope of finding her soon I go for a surf and hope a fucking shark eats me so I don't have to live with this guilt.

Dad starts explaining why they think they have Rora here on the island. We've searched thousands of places outside of it, inside too but not as much as Russian warehouses and every place Phoenix can remember Aisha mentioning.

We may lose hope but..we won't stop looking as hard as we are now. We won't let our lives continue until we find her...not this time.


After the meeting we agreed we'll search the dot tonight. The dot is a little island where a prison used to be. It's about a 15 minute boat ride from ours and it's a tiny little thing. We call it the dot because from a plane it looks like a small dot beside our island.


I've never felt so lost. Not even when we lost her the first time.


We have to find her. We need to bring her home safe..we couldn't even find out the baby's sex before she was taken. We've missed more than two months of her pregnancy.

Snap. I break the guys jaw. I've started fighting at our gym. Quinn is managing it and bringing in the best fighters. I actually didn't think I'd like it..I started by accident.

We had searched a warehouse about an hour from home and came up empty. It was our best bet and came home empty handed.

Quinn and I got into the gym and this guy was harassing a woman. I knocked him out in a few punches and the rest is history.

Quinn started fighting too. Quinn. My sweet brother has won 5 fights in a row now. And Atlas..Atlas started running with Zach.

He was going alone and pushing himself so hard he ended up puking his guts out so we agreed he had to go with Zach to monitor him from now on.

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