35| Epilogue

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" S H E ' S  F R E E  A N D  S H E ' L L 
N E V E R  B E  C A G E D  A G A I N "


My wedding day...how the fuck did I get here? Three years of laughs and cries and ups and downs with the love of my life led us to this day. I stare into Phoenix's eyes as we try not laugh while the priest speaks.

He makes funny faces to try to make me laugh, my brothers made a bet on who would laugh or fall first throughout the day. They all bet on me making a fool out of myself.

"Stop it you idiot" I whisper and squeeze his hands, dusk is setting to our left. The sea is calm and peaceful as if it knows today's a special day. Wind blows in our faces, carrying the sent of the sea with it.

"Never"  Phoenix whispers back

"Even our toddler is better behaved than you are" I say and he goofily smiles, it's getting harder by the minute not to laugh. We both look at our ring man waiting for his moment. Sam is so well behaved despite having spawns of the devil for uncles.

He's standing there with the red pillow with the rings, dressed in a white button up shirt and khaki shorts, barefoot as all of us. His blond hair perfectly styled, his striking blue eyes mesmerizing as they hold innocence and a hint of mischief.

Sam is three now, he's a mama's boy and I'd do anything for him. He behaves when he has to but once I let him he runs around doing pranks on his uncles with Matheo's help and waking everyone up at 6am with his laugh and footsteps as he runs around with Eli.

Phoenix and I watch in awe as he walks down the aisle with the rings, he laughs and waves at everyone. Eli comes behind him throwing flowers and almost trips as he waves at his dads.

Next, the 3 year old twins Jonas and Lithe walk down holding hands and waving at everyone. You'll never guess whose they are...turns out a pretty blonde came to our doorstep year and a half ago with the twins claiming they were Matheo's.

We did a DNA test and SURPRISE! Matheo became a dad and his sons will grow up with mine. Their mother ran off and Theo had to step up for them and he did better than any of us could've.

We exchange the rings and say our vows. Phoenix's words...they were so beautiful I wanted to sob in his embrace.

"You may kiss the bride"  five words that will change our lives, bound together in marriage for better or worse. Everyone laughs as we take the kiss a liiittle too far and the kids make disgusted faces from beside us.

The after party is full of laughs and tears and presents. Oh and very embarrassing speeches, I told Phoenix it'd be a bad idea to let my brothers talk but he didn't listen. Dad comes over to me and crushes me in a bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl" he says as he hold my cheeks

"Thank you dad" I say with a smile

"I couldn't have asked for someone better to care of you" he says and we look towards the man in question. Phoenix is joking around with Matheo as they hide behind cake since they are supposed to be playing hide and seek with our kids.

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