11| I love you

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"Big things are coming, a blessing is in the way"


The pain was so excruciating even when Bella was barely opening my legs for the examination. She had to numb me and then she had to freaking put me down on general anesthesia.

I wake up an instantly feel the pain on my cervix and lips. I groan and five figures fall around me. Oh it's just my brothers and dad.

"Hi" I say my voice raspy. I'm not feeling well, must be the anesthesia.

"How are you feeling bambina?"

"Not well" I say and close me eyes trying to sit up a little. Ouch. Atlas hands me a plastic water cup and I gladly drink it.


Just then Bella comes in "Welcome back Rora how are you feeling?"

"Queasy, nauseous and in pain" I say gently and laugh a little but it comes more like a pained sound

"You must be it's past time for your meds"

"Oh goodie, I don't have to endure the pain for long then" I say

She laughs a slightly. A nurse comes in and hands me a cup of pills and proceeds to explain they're an anti-inflammatory, antibiotics and a strong pain killer. I have to take them morning, evening and night.

Gosh I'm really not feeling well, I get up fast and puke my guts out on the toilet. I had just taken my pills! Dammit

The nurse is rubbing my back and telling someone to set some fluids to put the IV back. Ugh they had just taken that one out! I can hear dad and my brothers asking what's wrong.

Bella is telling them it's probably my body's reaction to the anesthetic and it's gonna be fine. I keep puking. When I said I didn't feel well...I really meant it.

Our lunch plans were ruined..thank you me. It's now 8pm and we're finally getting burgers. My family had to eat lunch in the hospital cafeteria. They said it's good food since they own it.

I'm craving a pineapple smoothie but I'm allergic to it and I have the urge to cry because of it, I really really want one.

Well then, option number two it is. Blueberry. I thought of strawberry since it's my favorite but the thought of it makes me want to vomit again.

"Why do you I feel like you're gonna cry twinnie?" Says Artie from beside me, beside him it's Theo and in front of us the others.

"Because I'm allergic to pineapple" I say looking over at him

"You're about to cry because you're allergic to pineapples?" He says frowning and they're all holding in laughs.

"Well yeah. I'm craving one and I can't drink it because I'm freaking allergic to it!" I say and start crying. Oh fuck what is wrong with me?

My twin hugs me laughing and so are the others. "I j-ust want a pin-eapp-le smo-othie" I cry and Artie's chest rises up and down faster with laugh.

I get out of his embrace and glare at all of them
"Stop laughing at me this is serious!"

I've never had more of a strong urge to punch my brothers than I do now.

They just keep laughing. Quinn is wiping tears from his eyes when he says "Oh my gosh Rory you're fun when you're sensible, I guess it's because of the anesthesia"

"Shut uuuup" I groan and my mood changes from crybaby to grumpy.

Our orders come in and guess why I start crying again...They brought me a strawberry smoothie not blueberry.

"Can't I just have the frigging smoothie I want!" I say after the waiter took away the strawberry one and went to get the blueberry and I started crying.

The little shits are having the time of their lives watching my drama. I am going to claw their tongues off and— Ohhhh my smoothie is here.

I happily drink it and we all eat the burgers. I ate more than half of it. I'm proud. Although I'm still feeling a little weird.

I want my dad so Sandro drives the van and I snuggle in dad's lap and chest. I'm falling asleep when I murmur at him "I love you dad" I hear him take a sharp intake of breath and hug me closer. "I love you too baby girl"

I'm woken up by dad carrying me upstairs. I go to my room, put pjs on and wash my teeth. My pjs are so comfy. Dad paid a maid to go buy me all kinds of clothes yesterday.

I go back to dad's room with bunny Max and snuggle into his bed while he gets ready. What? I'm needy of comfort today and who better than dad?

I don't think I'll have nightmares tonight as long as he stays with me. They start as soon as dad or my brothers leave the bed. We realized that this morning.

I fall asleep not knowing the revelation I'd have in the morning. It'll be a life changer.

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