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This is just a preview for the next chapter... A lil preview can't hurt anyone right???

- Hey beautiful, what's your name? (Guy #1)
- You got right the first time, I go by Beauty. Have we meet before? (Me)
- Ya we have, in your dreams (Guy #1)
- Wow, nice one how many girls have you used that one on? (Me)
- Quite a few but none of those beauties can compare to yours Beauty (Guy#1)
- Are you good you look kinda nervous (me)
- My mom always told me this would happen one day but I never believed her (Guy #1) I should go
- What why (me)

He's really lucky he's cute or else I would have let his confusing *ss go

- I'm starstruck by your natural beauty... Beauty (#1)
He blushed a lil
- Your really cute and sweet I've got to go but I'll see you after the show right??
- Yeah I'll meet you here after (#1)
- Wait, what's your name? (Me)
- Chris... Chris Neverson

If you don't like this tell me so I can make some changes to the next chapter but I promise the next chapter is EXTREMELY SEXY... Like Beyoncé Partition sexy maybe even more. Keep in touch to read the rest....
Peace & Love

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