"So, I haven't heard you talking about your boyfriend lately... Josh. Is everything going alright between you two? It seems to me that your both avoiding each other." Adam says as you stop rowing for a sec & sigh. "Everything is fine with me & him just I haven't bothered to talk to him or hang out with him that's all." You say as Adam crosses his hands & you roll your eyes.
"Amy... Tonight I want you to go back to your house & spend time with Josh. Look I don't want to be a part of your relationship with Josh so please listen to me when I say you should go see Josh." Adam says as you sigh & begin talking again. "Ok, fine. I'll go see him tonight after dinner. Do you have any dinner plans?" You ask as you start rowing again.

Adam pulls his phone out of his back Jean pocket & looks at the time.


"I don't have any dinner plans & I usually don't until I start getting hungry & I'm not hungry... We should probably head back to the docks & go back to the theatre to return these beautiful outfits Sarah had made. Probably not for us but maybe... When's opening night?"
You ask switching the topic & beginning to try to turn the boat back around & head towards the docks. "I don't know yet. Most likely the show won't be premiering until mid August or September. But it all depends. The script isn't fully finished yet & we still don't have our actors yet & also Mr. Wesley isn't at the theatre keeping everything together." Adam says. "Ok we'll that's fine. I'm in no rush & neither are you. Here you take the rows. Can you row backward back towards the docks?"

Adam nods & takes the rows back into his own hands & begins using his arm muscles to row backward back towards the docks.

When you watch the boat come to a stop next to the dock you sit up on your knees & grab the rope from the dock & wrap it around the boat to keep it still.

You got out first calmly... Not worrying about falling in the water & getting yourself & the dress soaked.
Adam stepped out next. As he struggled to get out you went over to him & helped him up to the docks.

"Thank you. For helping me & spending time with me." Adam says as you nod & say, "Your welcome." "So, what time is it now Adam?" You ask as he grabs his phone & checks the time for you.


"It's just about 5:00. Are you ready to go get some dinner?" Adam asks as you scratch the back of your neck & then nod agreeing with Adam to get dinner food now than any other time.
"Alright go get in the Jeep. Here, take the keys, hit this button do unlock the doors I'll be right their." Adam says as you take his keys & chuckle. "I know how a car works Adam... I'll see you in a little bit." You say as Adam waves goodbye as you head back up to his Jeep.

As you sit there, alone, in Adam's Jeep you grab your phone from the compartment in his car & turn it on.

4 missed text messages
3 missed calls

You first decided to look at the text messages. Josh was trying to get in contact with you, the first message said...

1st message- Amy! Did you hear what happened to Mr. Wesley! It's insane!

2nd message- Amy I know your probably still a bit in shock from what happened but are you busy at all today?

3rd message- Amy are you there? Your not responding to my texts is everything all right?

4th message- Amy please say something back or call me I'm on my way back to your house to go chill just in chase if your wondering where I'm at. I love you babe.

Poor Josh. He missed you & you were starting to miss him.
Adam returns to his car & gets the car started & looks at you before backing out of the parking lot.
"What's wrong?" "It's Josh. He misses me & I'm starting to miss him. Adam just drop me off at my house I'll eat their with Josh." You say as Adam nods & backs out & drives you back towards your house.

When Adam turns the car off keeping the keys in the ignition he unlocks your door & let's you get out & head up your front porch stairs, grab your keys, & open the door.
Once the door shut to your house & left & went back to his own place in Brooklyn New York.

"Josh? Are you in here?" You say walking in & turning the room lights on. You walk around your house until you hear the floorboard upstairs creeking.
You run over to the stairs from the kitchen & see Josh who had a big smile across his face. "Hey babe your home! Finally, what were you doing?" Your face turned red but you responded with a clear answer. You lied. "Oh I was just at the theatre making things look nice & all the stuff." "They still let you in the theatre after what happened?" Josh asks as you nod. "Yeah, I don't know why they did let us in there but they probably just knew it was the best thing they could do. Beside people still needed to work." You say. "Well did they block off his office?" Josh asks. "Yeah they blocked it off. That makes sense saying that that was the place where it happened." You say as Josh nods.

Your stomach was beginning to growl now but you held it in until Josh asked, "Hey are you hungry? You've been clutching onto your stomach for a couple minutes now. What time did you have lunch?" "I had lunch around 11 or 12." You say. "Ok that's why you have that "I'm hungry" look. Come on, sit down at the table. Yesterday I had pizza & I kept some leftovers just for you baby." Josh says as you thank him & sit down at the kitchen table while Josh goes over to the fridge & grabs the pizza that was wrapped in a plastic bag with tin foil.

After having leftover pizza from Josh you went upstairs into your room to set your phone down on your beside table & then to walk into your walk in closet & find a box wrapped in wrapping paper.
You wanted to see who it was from & what it was but then you realized that half of your clothes we're missing. Your other clothes we're still at Adam's house. You ran downstairs & put a jacket on & then as you approach the door the bell rings.

You opened the door & their was Adam standing tall above you holding your suitcase that was left at his house. "Oh, Adam hi, I was just about to come & get my stuff from your house thank you." You say as Adam smiles & nods & then walks away leaving the suitcase on the step of your porch.
You brought it in & carried it back upstairs to your room & emptied it out. When you finished you put the suitcase away & then payed the rest of your attention to the wrapped gift.

You got the gift down & carried it over to your bed & then you got scared. "I was hoping you wouldn't find it but I'm actually glad that you did find it." Josh says. "Josh! Holy crap don't sneak up on me like that! You scared me!" "Oh sorry. I didn't think I would." Josh says as you sigh. "It's fine anyways, is this from you?" Josh nods. "Yeah, it's from me. Go on ahead, open it." Josh says as you undo the wrapping paper & cut away the tape & reach your hands inside the cardboard box & pull out a medium sized box.

You opened the small box & you immediately had tears rolling down your face.
It was a charm heart necklace, you opened it & found a picture of your mother & father in one photo together.

Josh bent down & got to your level that you were at & wrapped his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry about what happened to them but I still wanted you to think of them some way. By carrying them in this necklace around your neck. Do you want me to put it on you?" You nod & hand Josh the necklace & Josh takes it & does the clip on the back of the necklace & then fixes it around your neck.
"There, you wanna look at in in the mirror?"
There was a mirror on your door so you got up & looked at the necklace in your room mirror. "It's beautiful Josh... Thank you for giving me something I can have on me forever." You say as Josh smiles & gets up & wraps his arms around your waist once again & looks at himself in the mirror holding onto you.

"There's one more thing I gotta give you. Here, put this on." Josh grabs a blindfold & puts it around your eyes & guides you downstairs & out front into the grass. Adam was watching just a block away...

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