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Seungmin stared out at the horizon. It was so beautiful. He zoned out; going through his memories with Hyunjin.

Flashback 1

"I wish I could talk to you. But my voice is really weird and scary."

Hyunjin frowned, "I don't care if it's weird, it's not going to change what I think about you. We'll always be friends. No matter what."

Seungmin smiled, then hugged the taller. Hyunjin fell back onto his bedroom floor; Seungmin's legs wrapped around the older as he hugged him.

Flashback 2

Seungmin gasped loudly and pointed in front of him.

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin, "Hyunjin look! Birds!"

Seungmin ran towards the birds; some flying away.

Hyunjin chuckled, "You're going to scare them min!"

Seungmin admired the few birds that didn't fly away. They were so pretty.

Hyunjin came up behind the younger; putting his arm around him.

"Do you want to go get some bread? For the birds?"

Seungmin excitedly nodded and clapped his hands together.

Hyunjin held out his hand, "Come on Minnie."

Seungmin put his hands in the older's and they walked to find a bakery.


The duo walked into a small bakery; a pretty woman there to greet them.

"Hello! My name is Seulgi! I'll be right over there," she points towards the cash register, "if you need any help!"

Hyunjin thanked her, "Do you have any bread? Like a baguette or something like that?"

She nodded sweetly, "Of course! Soft of hard?"

"Soft please!"

She went to the back and quickly came out with a fresh baguette.

She rung the two boys up, "Okay! That'll be $3.20."

Seulgi handed the boys the bread and put an extra brownie on top, "on me!"

Seungmin shook his head hesitantly and pushed the brownie towards her, "n-no.."

"Ah..we can't take this..I'll pay for it..!" Hyunjin brought out a few dollars from his wallet.

"No! You guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen," she cooed, "Please take it!"

Hyunjin blushed and took the brownie, "ah..thank-..you.."

She smiled, "have a nice day you two!"

Seungmin waved at her before walking out the door with Hyunjin, "theynk yuu!"

They both walked back towards the direction of the birds, "Seung that was amazing!"

"What was?"

"You were talking! And it was so good!"

Seungmin smiled and blushed. He hung his head low to hide his flustered face, "t-theynk..you.."

End of flashbacks

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