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Seungmin tapped on Hyunjin's shoulder. The taller turned his head to see Seungmin smiling; a small dog plush. It looked like it was from some video game but Hyunjin couldn't put his finger on which one it was.

"Isn't it cute Hyunjin?"

Hyunjin simply nodded, looking behind Seungmin, eyeing a pink jigglypuff beanie. The raven-haired boy gasped and ran behind Seungmin. Seungmin had a confused look on his face; Hyunjin grabbing the beanie and running back to Seungmin. Hyunjin delicately pushed the brunette's hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear. Hyunjin noticed something on his right ear; a scar. Memories of 8th grade flashed through his mind. He can't believe he would ever do that to Seungmin.

Why did I do that.

How could I ever hurt Seungmin.

I'm so sorry.

There's still what looks like to be dried blood...or is that just his flesh..oh my god..

"Hyunjin?" The shorter interrupted his thoughts.

Seungmin's heart pounded. He's never felt so in love with someone. Being here, staring into Hyunjin's eyes, makes Seungmin just want to kiss Hyunjin forever.

"Oh sorry. Did I do that to you?" Hyunjin pointed at seungmin's ear.


Seungmin lied. Of course Hyunjin did that to him. It can't just be a coincidence.

"Oh okay...good.."

Seungmin smiled, "Do you like how the beanie looks on me?"

Hyunjin nodded, smiling at how cute the brunette looked.

"Hey Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin turned around to see Minho and a few boys, plus a very familiar looking girl trailing behind him. She looked mean..and very intimidating. Seungmin made eye contact with the girl; eyes widening, almost like he recognized her too.

"Oh..hey Minho..what are you doing here..?" Hyunjin asked with a confused look.

Minho chuckled; his hands finding its way to his pockets, "I'm just hanging out with my friends," Minho walked towards Hyunjin, "you never texted me.."

Hyunjin rubbed his neck, "oh..heh..I'm just really busy..sorry.."

Minho smiled, "it's okay don't worry! I understand!"

There was an awkward silence for a few moments before one of Minho's friends spoke up, "we should..play now.."

"Hey why don't you and.." Minho looked at Seungmin with a confused gaze in his eyes, "..your friend..join us?"

Seungmin looked at Hyunjin with a confused look in his eyes.


Minho clapped his hands together excitedly, "Yay! We should all introduce ourselves!"

Seungmin gripped Hyunjin's hand tightly, slightly backing behind the taller. Minho looked like he was yelling; it scared Seungmin quite a bit.

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