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Unknown number
Hey Seungmin, it's Hyunjin.

Seungmin stared at his phone for a few seconds.

Change contact to "Hyunjin hyung"?

Yes No

Hi Hyunjin.

Hyunjin hyung
What are you up to?

I'm doing homework but.. it's kind of hard. I don't really know what I'm doing.

Hyunjin hyung
Do you need help? What is the homework about?

Oh. It's just math. But you don't have to help me! It's fine!

Hyunjin hyung
It's no problem. Don't worry Seungmin! When do your classes end? Or when do you have a free period?

Oh wow! Thank you hyung! I have a free period from 1-3 PM. If you're free that time..maybe you could come over?

Hyunjin hyung
Alright, then it's a date then! Meet me at the library? We can go to my place after, if that's okay.

Seungmin felt his cheeks heat up at the message. A date? This is a date?

Sure that sounds fun!


Seungmin bounced his leg as he waited patiently for Hyunjin at the library. He sat next to the fiction section, reading a sad book. He felt tears welt in his eyes before someone tapped his shoulder.

"Hey Seungmin," Hyunjin signed, "Are you crying??"

Seungmin wiped his tears quickly, "Oh no..the book is just a little sad."

"Oh. Don't cry Seungmin," Hyunjin took seungmin's hand, "Let's go."

Seungmin nodded as Hyunjin pulled him out of the library, hand in hand. The walk to Hyunjin's apartment was quiet. Well, it was always quiet for Seungmin. Hyunjin took his keys out of his pocket to unlock his apartment door. The taller opened the door; the smell of cookies overwhelming Seungmin.

"Felix I'm home!"

Felix popped his head out from around the kitchen corner, the blonde boy holding a tray of cookies, "Oh hi Hyunjin-! Wh-who's this?"

"Hi!" Felix smiled at Seungmin.

Seungmin stood there, his hand tightening around Hyunjin's.

"Hello?" Felix waved his hand at the brunette.

"Oh he can't hear you Felix. He's hard of hearing."

Felix's eyes widened, "oh my- oh my gosh! I am so sorry I didn't know! I feel so terrible-!"

"Felix it's okay. You didn't know," Hyunjin gave Felix a reassuring look.

"This is Felix. He's my roommate," Hyunjin signed to Seungmin.

"Why does he look so frightened? Did I do something wrong again?"

Hyunjin frowned, "What do you mean again? You haven't dont anything wrong Seungmin don't worry. And he just feels bad because I told him you were deaf and he didn't know."

Seungmin mouthed "oh" and nodded looking down at his feet, slowly putting his hand back into Hyunjin's.

"We have to study Felix, we'll be in my room. Just knock if you need anything."

Felix nodded as the two walked off.

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