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"Can I kith yuu?"

..sure- sure..

Seungmin hesitantly leaned in towards the older boy. Seungmin felt hyunjin's warm breath on his lips. He wanted to close the small gap so bad.

"No..this isn't real.." Seungmin thought to himself.

Seungmin quickly pulled away from the boy, "S-saurery.. My..mind..it's..akting..weiourd.."

Seungmin it's real. Please believe me. You can hear me. I can hear you.

Seungmin squinted his eyes and shook his head, "ahaha..iths like my bwoain is thinking of hou yuu wuld respand.."

No no seungmin.. It's me I promise!

"I'm..I'm gonna go now.." Seungmin got up from the chair.

Seungmin please. Please don't leave me please I need you to stay..

"Oh wow..I feel so gilltwey rite nouw.." Seungmin tangled his hands in his hair, "this is so weiourd.."

Seung please..

"My bwain..it hurts hunjun.. whatths hapwening.."

S-seung..? Are you okay..?

Seungmin stumbled towards the door, "Bye Hunjun..'m mith you.."

L-love you..

Seungmin closed the door behind him. His head was pounding and his stomach hurt so so bad. He felt like he was going to pass out... then he did. He collapsed on the floor in front of Hyunjin's room. A nurse was standing by so she quickly called some doctors to take Seungmin to a room.


"You need to eat Seungmin. That's why you passed out and also why you probably heard voices in your head."

Jeongin, Minho, Changbin, and Jisung came to visit Hyunjin and Seungmin. Seungmin called Jeongin once he woke up.

Seungmin felt guilty, "I'm sourry Jogin.."

Jeongin softly smiled, "Dont worry hyung. I'm not mad..I just want you to let me take care of you.."

Seungmin nodded slowly.

Changbin tried to lighten the mood, "Well..h-hey! We brought you food! So we can all eat together!"

Seungmin smiled as Minho and Jisung pulled food out of a bag.

"We got chinese...because..we know you'll like it..!" Minho smiled.

"Yeah I liek shineese fud...! But...not wrewly hungory.."

The group frowned, "But you need to eat Seungmin! Remember, If you don't eat you'll feel worse!" Jisung spoke up.

"I gwuess ywor rite.."

Changbin and Jeongin say together at a little table while Jisung sat on Minho's lap and ate with him on a chair. Seungmin picked at his rice as he watched the boys giggle with each other. They looked so happy.

"Please take just one bite Seungmin..for me..?" Jeongin frowned.

Seungmin lowered his head to his plate. He felt like crying. Jeongin got up from his chair and sat beside the older on his hospital bed.

Jeongin grabbed a small spoonful of rice, "here..eat his. It wont be too hard on your tummy."

Seungmin hesitantly opened his mouth to take a bite of the rice. He chewed the rice slowly; gagging in between chews. The boys watched Seungmin as he tried to swallow rice; Jeongin stroking the boy's brunette hair.

Seungmin swallowed the food. His body shook, "Don'...feel goud now.."

Jeongin put his hand on seungmin's forehead; checking his temperature, "oh..you're a little hot..."

Seungmin covered his mouth as he gagged. Jeongin picked up Seungmin from the bed and quickly ran into the bathroom.

"Oh I feel so so bad for Seungmin.." Jisung's face fell.

"Me too..he must be having such a hard time.." Changbin added.

"Yeah.." Minho rested his head on Jisung's shoulder.

The 3 boys waited in silence for Jeongin in Seungmin to come out; gagging sounds and Jeongin's voice whispering "it's okay..it's okay.." coming from the bathroom.

Jeongin game out of the bathroom with Seungmin in his arms.

There were tear stains on the boy's face, "auim-..sourthry.." Seungmin bursted out in tears.

The 3 boys ran over to Seungmin and immediately threw their arms around him, "don't worry Seungmin..it's not your fault.." Jisung spoke up.

Seungmin sobbed into the boys' arms, "I-..I wanth Hun-," Seungmin hiccuped, "Hunjun hiung! 'M wanth him to waek up..!"

The boys went silent as they listened to Seungmin sob, "I mith Hunjun..so..so..mutch..!" the older balled into Jeongin's neck.

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