in travel through the desert to this place,

when one of th'halves herein would not allow

the other to enjoy a spot of drink.                50

As thoughts and figuring are toss'd about

our Preacher's head, a shadow doth approach

much wider than a single person makes

from down the way beside the small canal.

Continuing, our Preacher doth converge

upon the blob of dark within a pool

of light a lamp emits at channel's edge

and finds he's met with hooded men of three

in patchy tunics, hands in pockets stuff'd.

"How be you, fellows," Preacher greets with slurs,                60

"this fairest night within this fairest town?

I hope the lot of ye enjoy as much

this eve as I, exploring through the haze."

The men betwixt themselves do snicker now

with looks from one another and to him

ere drawing blades that glimmer in the moon

out from their pockets, pointing whilst one speaks:

"A fairest night indeed. Agreed, my friends?"

His comrades nod their heads, repeating "Yea,"

before he speaks again toward our man:                70

"A fairest night for all of us involv'd,

for we'll be taking all that's in thy purse

and thou'lt be let t'escape with nary cuts

upon thine abdomen or pouring blood

upon the cobble ere we'd roll thee in

the stream to wash along from this plateau."

Our Preacher isn't taken quite aback

by any of these things, for by this time

awareness of these situations hath

become but second nature to the man.                80

He shakes his head and even chuckles soft,

which causes both the muggers in behind

the first to bare their teeth, whilst th'other one

doth roll his eyes with more experience.

"Anxiety that causes one to laugh

is probably the most annoying trait

I ever have encounter'd doing this,

so warn thee once, I shall; avast this noise

and hand thy purse to me before I slice

that grating throat and silence thee for good."                90

Our Preacher ceases, growing serious.

He slowly reaches up toward his shirt,

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