Why like Why

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( if you don't like the idea of three people in a relationship then i recommend you dont read this)

Stiles pov

I was on my way to a pack meeting after fighting off a pack of Beta Werewolfs and then a group of hunters and my pack was know where to be seen, instead of a ten minute ride to the meeting it took me an hour, i go in to the loft and everyone is sat round the table ready to start the meeting so i walk in and said i FUCKING hate you all, i just had to go up against a pack of Beta werewolfs who are not from our town i know become i asked them loads of questions  and after that a group of hunters deicide they was going to interfere with my integration 10 minutes it should have taken me to get here instead it took me an hour because of stupid supernatural creatures and hunters. Scott goes are you ok though? yeah im good just pissed off i can't blame anyone as It was me who got us in to this mess Scott. Stiles calm down it ok we will deal with everything we alway do and i know that the pack are going to hate me for what im about to say but it Scott and Stiles against the world and it always will be because we go down together the others in the pack might have backed out  of things but you Stiles have not and i know you won't back down from a challenge, which is good because right now I need you to go and talk down the hunters. ok Scott I will but just so you know my bedroom at 10pm for halo Night and pizza because I'm off home after this.

so i done what i need to however I never made it ok i ended up back at the loft with this girl, who was trying to have sex with me i knew all the pack was still there and the girls would help me out so I told  her I knew a place we could go, i whispered when we was by the door to the loft so the wolfs could here me and get one of the girls to help me as I walked in Allison was waiting and said who is she i said just a one night stand to get back at you for sleeping with Scott, Allison said that's not fair you was with us, i said ok fine baby I won't sleep with her, Allison went to the girl dragged her out and said stay away from my boyfriend or they will never find you. when she came back in i said so how was it you that done that? Lydia said because if it was Kira it would have been awkward if it was Malia then she would have died on the spot if it was me then it would bring up memories, if it was Erica then it would be even worse than me and malia as she is like a sister to you. If it was Derek's girlfriend would have been to old and Liam's girl is to young so it was only Allison left, which she was happy to do as the boys could all smell the anxiety off you so Scott said to do it and he would not care. Allison said of course he would not its his friend. Aiden said why did your heart skip a beat when you said friend? before we could answer Derek and when the sleeping with Scott thing was said? i turned to Scott and then Allison and said So you fancy leaving Scott to deal with this and we go back to mine? she said yep lets go we was about to leave when Scott said if you do that then there is nothing for a week, yep worth it let's go Allison.

we got pulled back and he then kissed the both of us i said well no escaping now, we sat back down and Allison sat on my lap and started to make out will me and the pack said Scott what's going on? Scott said umm well all three of us are together and I don't mean me and Allison, Stiles and Allison, Stiles and i, i mean Scott stiles and Allison= us, you get me now. Lydia said wait Allison is that why when Stiles said about the pizza you said don't forget the Condoms? i pulled away from Allison and said really if she heard you then the whole room did but who cares it is worth it but Scott why did you not think to mention something? Scott said because it was trying to think of a plan to tell them also it better than the way all our parents found out is it not? Allison said  no it is although the hour lecture we had from you mom was not when I was on Stiles lap. Scott and i said no the worst lecture was middle of the car park one. yeah and who's fault was that boys, i said umm Scotts I was in the front of the car at the point so It was not me rocking the jeep was it? Scott got up and slapped me for that and said i don't know i nearly got shot with wolfsbane i said yeah but you didn't thank to me as it was only us two undressed when Allison dad walked in the room. the pack said you have been caught by all parents, yeah we have, some of you have all so nearly caught us Derek when you pushed me against the wall they was in the bathroom.

Allison pov

Lydia remember the time you came over and you was about to open the wardrobe? She said yeah i said well the boys was in there  which is why I would not let you, liam thank god you are a recently bitten wolf and haven't been round us long as when you went to Scott because you was losing control i was under the bed when Scott and Stiles was helping you gain control. Stiles went Allison stop moving and digging your nails in to my side or go on Scott lap? i got up and the boys went Stiles how in the hell have you not got a boner?  he went the same way you control your wolfs i learnt control as Allison and Scott both sit on my lap and rock back and forth. i said you have not seen me sit on Stiles lap in the school canteen or in pack meetings? Scott the same but I guess they can pass it of as a bromance. Liam went yeah i noticed Last week it could have also been because I seen the three of you go in to the locker room? I went Scott how come you did not know that? he went i was probably sucking faces with Stiles while you was feeling him up? Stiles went yeah that true if it was Wednesday morning? liam went yep.

why did you not tell us you new Li? because i was scared Scott is my Alpha and when i can't go to him i go to Stiles so if i lost them how was I ment to do this werewolf thing? Stiles went over to liam and said no mater what Scott and i will alway be here and I know im no supernatural but I have got good at training betas, and you now have Allison that will teach you how to dodge hunters when training Scott i did not have that i pelted him with lacrosse balls and the he got beat up i got in trouble for that one though by many of people. i got off Scott and went over to Stiles and liam and Scott followed and we sat down and said look it will work out and said we/they will drop anything for you trust me i known I got pushed off Stiles bed the other night because Mason phoned Stiles and said you was losing control and was in public the boys was fully dressed and in the car by the time i stood up, liam went thanks for that information i said i was just making a point the boys love you and so do i and I know im about to be chased by two lacrosse player one of which has been running with a pack of wolves through a forest way before i was and the other is a wolf he is running with but they see you as a younger brother or son and when its you and Mason it is like them when they first found out. Scott and Stiles went that's not true. Derek went yes it is the school, The hospital, the Sheriff station not to mention the loft in the first place. they went oh yeah forgot about all that. we heard the pack takes photos and Malia said is that what family looks like if so i want that? Derek said  yeah in supernatural anyway. My two boys went did you just call liam our son? I got up an i ran Stiles and Scott started chasing me then liam grabbed me and said i know away to though them off, i said what I call you mom and them dad and moma for Stiles? I went ok

Liam let me go and shouted dad, moma stop chasing mom around. with that Scott stopped and Stiles passed out I said well was not expecting that. Liam went over to Stiles and said wake up moma someone is saying bad things about the pack Stiles woke up and said where are they? Liam said i was joking. i went its fine Don't worry. Stiles got up and went out and we heard shouting so we went out side to see Stiles arguing with a hunter i said don’t worry he can handle himself, he said get off my property or my territory which ever you prefer are you with the argents? the man said nope Stiles said you have no right to be here then. he turned back round and said why like why, it Always me dealing with supernatural shit or hunters and im not anything but human, He the turned to Mason and said if you want to get out of this life leave now as me and Danny are in too deep you still have a chance to go. as He walked back to the jeep that I was ment to drive home he turned to Scott and I and said bring Liam and Mason with you they can spend the night. he then was muttering why like  why me why can I never get a break why like why.

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