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(In this story they are out of school and are twenty apart from Stiles and Scott, Liam and Mason are in their last year)

Stiles pov

I was driving to the loft as there was a pack meeting but everyone else was there as well as all parents, I pulled in and as I walked in Scott screamed STILES I Shouted back WHAT, he said we have a problem, a problem we should have took care of two year ago, I said It can't be that bad, the door went and Scott said the problem is here, hello Stiles hello Scott, she said I don't want to kill you I just want your blood? I said no sister that is not happening well I guess you dirty little secret will come out I said you can try and if it does whats the worse that going to happen and Scott knows and is the alpha so.

She used her super speed to get Scott, I said this is between us not him now why are you here, she said to bring you your child I said yeah no I don't have one and mom would have contacted me or brother would have so, she said I never said it was reproduced  the normal way? Who's is it EMILY? She said well umm your and Scott's I said what? Look when we was in the fight last the one you helped out in there was a witch that took your DNA and Scott's DNA and then placed a baby in to Nia. I said ok but why are you here if you just wanted to drop off the baby? She said isn't it obvious big brother to ruin your life she grab Mason and I said let him go, she said nope so I used my speed to go over to her and said take your hands off him, she did not so I grabbed them and threw her at the wall it happened  so quick, she got up and started to fight me so I bite her neck and whilst she was to busy trying to bite me I snapped her arm and kicked her leg so she dropped to the ground.

I said is everyone OK they all said what just happened I said look I will explain in a minute, I went over the the baby that was apparently mine and said to Scott that not ours come and smell it it would be a familiar scent and would react to our voices, i pick it up but it was not real, after a while my sister woke up she healed her self and I said what's really going on, she said I want you both dead. Never going to happen Emily, she comes over and bites me drinks some of my blood  I said you can do that it will kill you not me, she then stabbed me in the heart well done except my anchor/wolf  is here so that means I can have the blood and survive, Scott came over and took the stake out of my heart and clawed his arm and give me a little blood. I got up and said see all better now and I grabbed her and threw her through  the window she then got thrown back and my brother came and tried to kill me I said what day is it kill Big brother day is it?

They said yes you cursed the family and I want the wolf powers and only you can get them from dad, I said I can't and you know it so killing me would be pointless, then my brother's child came in and said dad you know he can't help so what the point, she is a powerfull witch she then pushed her hand out and picked up Emily and chocked her and then dropped her and said you will never beat us have you forgotten the family that I will always choose Stiles and Scott, my brother came up to his daughter and grabbed her I speed over to her and grabbed him I bit him and she then screamed which is very power full.

I said you lost would you like me to call mother to dig you graves? They said no and once they was healed they left but my niece stayed with me. Then my mother and father showed up, what did you want because you only need me to fight your battles so who have you pissed off now? Dad said I might of killed your ex girlfriend and now the family want revenge, really out everyone you kill Leah the one that is my parter in crime with Scott when he is here fixing your problems, fine did you lead them here, my niece said yes I said you are lucky dad I might be able to get with the sister and solve this mess but it the last time, for 40 year Scott and I have been cleaning up your mess and he's not even in the family. The sister comes in and I said I have done nothing and neither has my family I walk over to her and put my arms around her waist I can here Scott and my niece telling the pack to be quiet and that we will answer questions later. How about we go to the forest you know you love nature? She said nice try your dad killed my sister, fine he did but he thought it was the other group ok they wanted to kill my niece and you know more than anyone here you don't mess with the baby of the family, remember when someone was picking on you I went to school as a student  for 3 week and I killed him so you did not have to so he would leave you alone and stop trying to get with you so please go on and kill me but just remember that it was me that got you out of trouble not your parents my family and Scott as he is a hybrid now go take my stupid parents and siblings with you and stay off Beacon hill territory.

She goes to get my niece but she just pushed her put her hand up and threw her out the door and said I'm not going and sorry but you was not leaving quick enough for my liking. Ok as you have worked out im a vampire Scott is a hybrid of a wolf and a vampire, our parents are not our parents they just adopted us well technically just housed us as we are over 90 so older than most of you. This is my niece and she is a powerfull witch and if she wanted to she could become a vampire and a werewolf thanks to me and Scott. Liam then says how come Scott was able to bite me? Scott said because i am the alpha but I am more wolf than vampire.

Peter then said wait so I did not turn you? i said nope technically I did when I was 3 and we met in London and we was in a park and my dad is a werewolf but i bit him first then remembered that i don't know if the bite would take so took him to my dad and dad bit him has well so he had a batter chance of surviving. Derek then asked is he a true alpha then? we both said no just a alpha but only because i killed in vampire form on a full moon. Danny then asked well how do you look so young I said because this little one put a spell on us so we could find an amazing pack for any trouble. Lydia when did you come to Beacon Hills i said when we was twenty we was the one that took over from the Hales.

Scott's pov

We was explain to the pack the we are vampires and that but i could see he looked ready to pass out, so i told everyone to shut up and said Morgan can you try and find out what's the mater with him? i said nevermind i know that look, Stiles where is it I know you can smell the blood? he said its in here i said there is not a dead body in here, he said switch to vampire i did I said ok there but where? I found it first and screamed STILES everyone ran over but stiles pushed them. he said that not who I think it is is it? Morgan came over and said yes, mind spell? I said no i turned back around to see him drink the blood i said Stiles really he said what I said she just died, i got a response back of her blood was amazing when she was alive now she's dead it will be the same. i said ok and drank some as well and said come on that enough. the pack looked like the wanted to throw up i said you do realise that half of you are werewolfs and you eat wild animals and thing when you lose control and Maila you eat Deer a lot.

Mason said well thanks for saving me Stiles but i have a question how come you did not kill anyone or drink their blood. Stiles went because  like werewolfs have anchors Vampire's do to and Scott was Mine since he was two also the blood question I would either feed off people who was dead or Scott as his blood would make me full quicker and is he was in vampire mode he could feed off me. Unlike our idiotic siblings we don't kill people unless they have really hurt the family, and we don't drink from thought's that don't know us. I said it true I once drunk from Noah as we had run out of blood bag and it was a full moon. Stiles said why did you not go to the underground bar. You know I keep shit there. Morgan should  UNCLE  how could you? Stiles said im sorry I forgot how about I trun you and we won't tell anyone? Morgan  said no but can we play hide and seek? I said yeah we can you can count and Stiles and I will hide. I hide under the body and Stiles has decided he will sit on the roof.

I hear her doing a location spell and then she comes over and grabs me said he is on the roof with someone and I don't know who? We go out side and see Stiles on the roof and I said stiles who is with you? He said our favourite person besides Morgan, Ella come down i could do with seeing a girl our age, Stiles and I turned to morgan and said you will have to go home now but you know where to find us if you need. Then once Morgan was gone Ella said what you have another one night stand? I said you know that's not true it normally ended up with you and Leah and you would make Stiles and I sit there until you both fell asleep, she said no you did not you slept together. i said no we have not, Stiles said so the date 27th July 1967 mean nothing to you? I said oh shut up stiles we done it one and it was awkward for months and we never done it again. He said deal I guess your right Ella then said well im off to go and mess with the Smith family in Australia. We sais bye.

Scott and Stiles pov

look we are sorry we never told you well to be fair with our family history i though we would be dead by now. so want our real name? Well hi my name is  Scott Henry Jones and i'm Stiles is Mieczyslaw Edward Dale. 

Looks like we done well the pack is alive and we told the truth after many year so i thing we are winning.

teenwolf short stories (mainly Stiles)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя