FBI meets the supernatural world (criminal mind and teenwolf)

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(A/N all in stiles pov)
Stiles Pov

My self and Allison was doing a year of training with the FBI BAU in Quantico, we was analysing a case in the briefing room and they said it was in Beacon Hills, we was all round the table and Hotch had asked us is this anything you have seen before, they kept on saying that we should not go but Allison said if you don't let us go then you are not going to find out anything if we go with you people might open up. We saw the pictures and new it was a shape shifter, we agreed to stay in a hotel but only if we could share a room with each other. When we was driving  it was only us in the car in the second car was Hotch, Rossi, Penelope and in the third car was Spencer, Derek, JJ and Emily. I said to Allison shall we phone one of them because we need to make sure Derek is in hiding and the body's was not near them. Allison phones Scott and told them all to hide out at the loft as the FBI was coming because your dad called us in he said ok and they was all at the loft including Parrish and Scott mom and Allison's dad we need my dad to be there are well but we can't yet so I well send him home later. We pull up to the station and we go in I said I will do the talking I went over to the receptionist and she said he is already left but you know where everything is so you can set up.

I took everyone to the break room which is where we was going to be for the next few days. Spencer got his map out and marked out where all the bodys was found. Derek said they are all two mile away from a big tree, Allison looked at me and said we need to go there but there is a chance they will find out everything. I said come on I know where that is, I was next to Allison and I said call the pack and get them to meet us there. I turned around to my team and said you are going to see thing that should not be real DO NOT DO ANYTHING unless Allison or I say to we will explain everything later. Allison  came back in and said they have called Deaton so he will meet us there but before we go I need you to hug us. As we was walking I said to Allison should we put mountain Ash around them? The team heard that and said what is that and why? I said one it a safety barrier and two you would have never seen something like this before. Allison  said yeah we should as we  both know what to do and if anything does go wrong there is a high chance Scott will bit you or me? I said OK.

Now let's carry on walking, we walked for a while once we got to the Hale house Allison got her bow and got my bat and Peter was also there so he came with us. When we got there SourWolf said  really the FBI? I said yeah I know now all the body's was found two miles from here which mean it a druid or darach or someone who really hates us now I would say Peter but he is with us and I would have worked it out straight away on top of that he is not smart enough. We heard a noise and they all pulled their guns out and I said I did not give you that command and Allison did not either now put them down my dad, Scott's mom and both argents, Danny had their weapons out  and the rest was ready to turn Deaton had mountain Ash the same as me. The person said I alway new you was the smartess and the one to make sure everyone was safe, I turned to Derek H and said your evil ex girlfriend is back and he said well, in my defence you lot was the ones who left me and then she brought me home. I said fair point and I turned to Peter and said well she alive which means she got turned. She said yes im now what I wanted to be. I threw mountain Ash at her and she was down long enough for the rest the change in the their fighting form.

I said look you are safe here don't move what ever happens  and don't cross that black line, me and Scott was fighting back to back and the rest was circling us she then started shouting spell at us  however after  everything I was still attached the nemeton which let me have some magic so I said to Scott push her back and Allison break the circle so they can stand then fix it, Scott whatever you do don't go through it again. I then put up a force field around them all so it was just me and Jennifer, then Kate showed up and I said I'm not even shocked the problem is its not a fair fight. Kate said I know it not which is why you will lose I then said Scott famous line I ment for you say bye to you power Jennifer I held my hand up and shouted all evil become my power turn to good and ban for life, because I done that I put mistletoe around her and said it will kill you and you cannot touch it as it is also covered in mountain Ash as well you always told me I was the smart one but did you forget I was the smart human.  I turned to Allison and said what do you want me to do with Kate she said you know the spell to change her back don't you? I said yes she said take her powers i said Ok I turned to Kate and said your time is up to do bad now it's time to come back to be sad you have had your fun it now human time, ok she is fine.

teenwolf short stories (mainly Stiles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin