brother part 2

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Scott's pov

I head I few of the pack gasp the others look clueless. I said look Stiles is one of a few males that can carry a baby that being said no he is not gay but is bisexual and the last part Lydia had im guessing he slept with someone and he is now pregnant. Stiles said look I know you are all disappointed in me, the girls laughed and said no we are not trust us we always had a bet going on who the first one to get pregnant would be turn out we was all wrong but Stiles we don't think any less of you. Dad said I knew like a week ago that what mom was like having you and what Melissa was like having Scott so I knew. The boys said wait how will you give birth and Stiles ran i said I know where he is going he will be fine but he will have a C-section, Derek said you know when a member of a pack is pregnant the rest of the pack is very protective, I said I know trust me but we are only at the start of senior year which mean we have 10 months left and he will start to show, mom said yes and a lot sooner than females so I don't know what you are going to do at school? I said coach will not be a problem, however I'm not sure on the rest. Also Jackson you will still have to annoy him a bit as you are not friends in school same with the twin Danny you will be ok the rest will just be protective.

liam and Mason you two are younger than us so the only thing I can think of is we take you in and you will be with us break dinner and any frees we have and you have. now Derek i can sense you feel the need to be around the pack more so i suggest you come in as a guidance counsellor that way you can hold group sessions and we can all be together. wow I will leave the planning to Stiles from now on. Right im off to get Stiles you can come if you want, i left and walked to the park we went to as kids and i found him alone in the sand pit i went to him and said the pack loves you, he said i know they are by the swings.

Stiles whats this really about you have always said you wanted kids at a young age and won't care what people say about you. He said it's because of who the father will be, I said who is it? If I say it the first boy that every played me will you know who I'm on about? I shouted EVAN he said yeah it is please don't be mad i said it will be ok and I'm not mad at you Stiles, I'm here but if i seem him I may no longer be a true Alpha. Stiles said you can't kill him you need to lead this pack. I care Stiles and I won't let him take anything away from you also remember you can get him to pay child support, he said I can't do that he never wanted kids and yes he knew I could get pregnant. Stiles started to cry so I hugged him, and I picked him up and we went to a bench the rest of the pack came over, he would only let Allison, Liam, Mason and Lydia hug him.

Stiles pov

I stopped crying and went back to Scott and said im only three week and my emotions are this bad what it going to be like for the next 37 weeks he said I really don't know but why can't I lose the true alpha title for you, because Scott you have an amazing pack look around you, you have a beta that needs you and its human so you can't let them go not even for me, he said ok but if one of the other pack member hit or fight him you will let them unless it Derek as he is now the new guidance counsellor. I said ok also when did that happen? when I became you and made plans but you can have the back i do not like making the plans. I said ok but I won't be able to do the fighting aspect much longer also what happens if I get Kidnapped? Scott said did you really just say that I said yes guys if people hear that there is a human in you pack that's male and pregnant everyone will try to get to you all through me.

The pack said ok you got a point but let's not worry about that for now, I said ok but Scott im going to be sick again he took me over to a trash can and then give me a drink that he had brought with him. We went back over and I said to the girls don't ever get pregnant, the first part is fun and last part will be amazing but the middle part is awful I have thrown up 4 times today and I Don't have morning sickness I have all day sickness, the boys all laugh apart from Scott, Scott said i would not be laughing if I was you one he is pregnant and two he is still, a sarcastic human, plus if you do take this piss it will come back to bite you one day you deal with a pregnant human or you get someone pregnant, and the girls said well we don't plan on it anytime soon I said well lucky you also Scott any chance you can take a little pain away as my head is starting to hurt again all of a sudden I had hand all over me and all taking my pain.

I said ok I'm fine now you can all let go. As I got up I seen something in the distance so I done a very stupid thing and put a line of mountain Ash around for the pack and went to the thing it was a werewolf so I starting fighting it and then tried getting them back in control I did but not without taking a punch to my legs and being pushed to the ground. I got back up and the person was in control I said if you would kindly leave my territory that would be greatly appreciated. He said im really sorry I did not know I was on Beacon Hills territory I said its fine but tell your Alpha to stay away, he said I will but can I ask why I did not scare you? I said because I run with a pack and I know how to fight. He said I can smell pregnancy hormones I said yes that will be me and my pack is about to lose their mind because I just fought a wolf while pregnant. He said is that your pack over there

I said yes it is but they are trapped in Mountain Ash untill one of the other humans in the pack realise they can break it, he said ok well im really sorry for everything and I will be off now. He left I went and broke the barrier and said you do realise the are 3 other people 4 if you include Lydia that could have broke that but before you ask im fine and he won't be back. Jackson said why did you do that when there are many of werewolfs and other that could have fought him or an alpha. I said well I did not think and im OK plus I'm not stopping just yet when you said they will get protective I thought I had a little bit if time. God this kid is going to have the best Aunties and Uncles I then said Scott im going to throw up again, I did in the trash can and we went back, and Scott said im your Uncle Scott and I would appreciate if you stopped making you mommy sick little one as I'm the one that has to deal with him for now. The pack said wait mommy? I said yeah when I found out there was a chance I can carry children I said if I carry a child I will be a mommy and if i get someone pregnant I will to be a dad so yeah.

The twins said how come Scott knew I said because we are brothers alway have been alway will be all we need is our parents to get married, and he was at my check up when we was sixteen and I found out. I said can we go home now I want curly fries, also can one of you get me curly fries, I would like if it is a werewolf as I will get them quicker and one that know my order. Scott said well you could have just asked me i said I know but I want to go home he said well Allison, Lydia, Liam and Mason are with you and so are the other, but what if im in pain, he said well you have eight other werewolfs and if you don't want to ask them you can alway tell one of the girls or just Erica plus Derek has known you long enough to help you and Liam will be next to you so just grab his hand. I said ok go and get my fries.

Once he got back I said thanks you are the best little brother I could have asked for. He said yeah I know, now can you move for me to sit down you can sit on my lap? I said ok. I looked up and turned to face the pack and said I love you all and they all said we love you too, Boyd and Erica both said thanks for saving my life many of times, I said it not problem its what I do, i have saved Derek and Scott's live more time that I can count now Scott pulled me closer and I said well it true Scott and don't worry I will also make sure you get out alive because if we go down we go down together. He said I know and pulled out the paper that said it from when we was 4 i said you keep it on you he said yeah i do it also has your phone number on it, I said I got mine in my pocket as well.

Just one quick question which one of you lovely werewolfs are going to be taking me pain and yes I know I'm having a C-section but still I know it will be painful beforehand, they was all quiet apart from Scott who said I will probably be the one with you and Erica said if they are as bad as period pains then I will as I know what that's like Allison and Lydia both said why did we not think of that all our friends are werewolfs or something supernatural, I said Allison when you was dating Scott three year ago I told you to do that well to be fair we was in the middle of the woods with Jackson but still. She said I know because you give me pain meds as I was cry in the van driving from the police in the police van. I said I know good times the best we had was when we threw Jackson's phone.  Jackson said it was you two that had my phone we said yeah it was. Allison said is that not where I kissed you? I said one we said we would never talk about that again and two yeah. The pack said wait you two have kissed I said yes but it was to get back at Scott and Lydia, and Scott knew im not sure if Lydia knew though?  She said yeah I did but we was sorry that we kissed. Scott said ok enough I will take your pain and maybe the others will aswell.

I said look we will always be a pack i might stop fighting physically with you but I will never stop planning everything with you. I love you all but im off to bed also scott if you go to the safe cupboard there is a key for every pack member give it to them also remember Liam has got one we had one made. I look at the pack and said love you all and good night. Scott said i will probably be up in about 3 hour I said ok.

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