Who is this

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Kira pov

It was last lesson on a Friday and it was chemistry, for some reason Liam and Mason was in the lesson as well as Derek he was here as a supervisor for the lesson to see how pupils are behaving in lessons. Well once we got in to class we sat down and the teacher turned around and it was a substitute teacher, all we heard was Stiles say oh for Fuck Sake really loud, the teacher then said Mischief be quiet, Stiles respond fine but you owe me an explanation, on why you are here. She said ok. Lydia turned to Scott and said who is she to Stiles? He said I don't know. Derek said well she must  know him because he answered to Mischief, Scott when yeah that was his mother's nickname for him. There was a Loud bang in the hall way and the we hear people screaming, Stiles turned to the teacher and said you brought the Mikaelson, the Winchester and the Salvatore group with you? She said yeah I did you have your pack I have mine? The people who was not in our group had left as well as the rest of the school. I said um what is going on? Stiles said wait there get them all here and I will deal with what you have brought to my town.

In walked 15 people and Stiles says what the hell have you idiots done that has brought you to beacon Hill? The youngest girl said well dad may have bit someone and they need his blood or yours or they will become a demon, I said wait what is everyone.

Stiles pov

I said well there is Vampire's, hybrid and tribrid, werewolf and witches and I missing any? Sam said yeah supernatural hunters that works with idiots. I said oh yeah, Scott said ok but who is the teacher I said my big sister and I mean big sister as she is a 100 years old although I'm only 18,  look im a Vampire but I don't drink human blood I mean I have drank Scott's but I don't think that can count as he is animal as well, Hope said wait is that the boy you like, I said well it was but now I need someone to kill me as he did not know? She said oh sorry dad can you kill him? Klaus said you know I can't because he is the one that goes to all you dances, I went guys you do know I have not been to them for the past year right? Dean said why? I said because Hope said I did not need to, Rebekah, Bonnie, Hayley, Caroline, Freya and Elena said who is the boy Hope? She said It is no one I said Hope let not play the lying game where is he Mystic falls, New Orleans, or British Colombia? She went Mystic Falls i said ok what is his name? She said Landon I said ok, witches Teleport me to Mystic Fall and then bring me back in 5 minutes? Freya said ok I'm only doing it for you  so you can get there before the rest as they will kill the poor boy. I said yep, but is he supernatural any of you know? Hope said nope but he does no know either.

I asked everyone in the room if i can compel him? i did not care what my pack said but i need to know what the other said. My sisters Group said yeah the Mikaelson said yeah the Winchester said yes and my pack did apart from Malia and Allison, I said you do realise that your opinion don't matter i don't care what you say, Allison  said actually you do that, you done it for me before haven't you I said yeah I did, Malia  I also stopped you father from killing you so? I said look im going and I can't believe what I'm about to say but Scott you can come as I promised I will take you there one day. I said wait can I use my speed with two people? Stefan said well I did a few years back I said will I be able to get back here? Finn said you will be able too I said ok don't bring me back. Hope came over to me whispered and said please don't do anything in my room I said why you done it in mine with Roman? She went true you realise he is about to be killed now don't you I said love I killed him second he left my room. Derek said wait are you planning to Sleep with Scott I said nope it just what we say and Klaus I'm not joking about Roman he slept with Hope and then left her, he then done that again at the Mikaelson ball so I done what had to be done he is somewhere in the forest in the UK. The males in the room that is with my sister said well im glad you done that no body messes with the girls in our group I said nope they don't only us that includes you Lydia, kira, Allison, Malia.

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