The truth

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Allison pov

It was a Thursday afternoon and we was having a pack meeting at the loft, Stiles and i finished school an hour earlier than the rest and as Scott took me to school Stiles drove me to the loft, the problem is Stiles and i knew each other way before i moved to  Beacon hills, as im a werefox but so is Stiles. we get to the loft but Derek and Peter was out so we went in. when we got in i said we need to tell the pack Stiles, he said no we can't and you know it. we carried on like this for a good 40 minutes. i said look if we don't tell the pack they will get hurt because of us, because we was arguing we did not here the pack come in so they said what are you hiding from us? i said nothing as we are going to tell you.

Stiles pov

I heard a hunters voice i knew all to well i said Allison please tell me it not ture? she said im sorry Stiles, I said it will be ok i promise I was the one that got us out right? she said yes i said ok well hide and i will deal with them. the pack said what going on? i said look go and hide i will be OK,  the person was shouting  we know you are in here foxys come out to play i said im here now what do you want? I want the fox that can trick any one and I want the girl that can help you more than anyone. That is not happen no matter how much you shoot me or poison me and you did say im the trickster, so i have already done what i wanted we are not going and if you go now then it will be OK. Then I heard a howl of some sort i said to the hunters you really brought the Alpha why are you lot working together? they said because you are one of the most powerful and so is the girl that is alway with you. i said i know which is why I'm not going with you and neither is she the alpha fox tried to get me to submit i said you can do that but the only alphas I will submit for is Alpha Hale and Alpha McCall and so will Allison so you can back down now.

She said i want you both i said you might of been the one to bite us but we already have a pack you was not the one to help us control it was our  pack the ones that had no idea but still kept us grounded before we even was a pack. So if you want to claim to be our alpha carry on but i will fight you. she said nope i will go i don't need you I will find someone else. I said go on then.

all of a sudden I seen a small little fox ran past me i turned and noticed Allison was gone and there was a fox on top of the alpha i said FOR FUCK SAKES ALLISON get down and back in control look all of your anchor are in one room just find one and listen. she didn't so i turned and fought the alpha and once i did the alpha got up and left by the time i turned back Allison was in the corner in fox form i said come on you can tell the pack now that was why we was arguing wasn't it. she slowly came back but would not talk i said what if they scented you would you feel better? she said you i said Allison look the pack cares about us they won't throw us out and if they do well you alway told me i was the alpha of the werefox so I'm telling you it will be fine, now look at the pack and do not run off.

Scott said to me you knew i was a werewolf the second the bite mark was gone didn't you? i said yes i did but you was not believing it and I did not know how to tell you. Lydia said wait Allison is that why on the first day of school you was looked at Stiles? she said yes he is like a brother to me which is why when he called me hot for Scotts sake I laughed and nearly lost control so he left so i could focus again, but he was also giving me reassuring smiles throughout the day.

Allison pov

I went over to Scott once I calmed down and said we see you as an alpha, the same when Derek was he alpha Stiles and i felt a pull toward him at first untill Stiles said we are in your pack. i went back to Stiles and said i lost control why did I lose control Stiles? he said because you was scared you was in a room with our pack, the hunters who have been hunting us for 3 year and the alpha who bit us 4 years ago Al they was threatening us so your fox saw it as self defence.  i said oh ok, Derek said how have you got so many anchors? I said because i have i don't know why Stiles has a few as well.

teenwolf short stories (mainly Stiles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz