Stiles secret

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(A/N most of this will be in Stiles point of view)

Stiles  Pov

I was in a pack meeting  with all the pack and I was think if I should  tell them that I have a child I know im only 18 but now I have a beautiful little girl she live with her mom and I see her every weekend unless I'm out of town. We was in Scott's house for the meeting, we was seeing if anyone had seen anything suspicious in the past week then all of a sudden the door went so Liam went to answer it as he was the closest to the door. We all so that he crouched  down so we went to to see what was going on we then heard someone say is my Dad here my mom told me to find him as she is not well and could be going to the angels soon. Liam then said do you have a photo or name so I can help?

As soon as we all got to the door I realised  it was my daughter, when she saw me she pushed Liam on the floor and shouted Daddy. I knew everyone  was looking  at me and I said I will explain later. I sat down on the floor with her in my lap they all sat round me and I said to my daughter do you want to meet Daddy's friends?  She got very excited which ment her magic was showing she had dancing wolfs in her hand and said yes I said ok but you need to put the wolfs away now and sit in my lap. She immediately sat down on my lap and put the wolfs away. I pointed  to Scott and said the is your Uncle  Scott if anything happens to me you find him, he will also be your alpha when you gain your turning powers. I then point to Lydia and say that your auntie Lyds next to Lydia is Allison it is up to you what you call her. Before  I could say any more she turned to me and said she is the lady that nearly made Uncle Scott go with angles because of her grandad and her was mean to my best uncle, everyone in the room said awww  including  Allison. She then ask can I put a spell on her like mommy done to the mean boy.

I said no princess  she is nice now just like you friend Luke remember he was mean and then he made friends and he became nice well Allison is the same. She got off my lap and i had my hands ready incase I need to stop a spell but I didn't however she did go to Allison and said if you ever hurt my uncle or dad again I make your life a living nightmare.  I said STOP NOW. Now I'm got to point to everyone and say their names after that you are going in time out for threatening someone and before you ask I know the spell to stop you using your magic to teleport or anything else. Now next to Allison is Liam then Isaac Danny Jackson and Derek. Now go and sit in the room upstairs until I come and get you and NO MAGIC or i will take it away for a week.  She went up stairs in a pout.  I stood up and went to the bottom of the stairs to see is she uses magic when I know she does not I sit back down in the living room to answer all the questions I was going to get.

They all came in slowly and sat down and said was you every going to tell us I said yes on her birthday I also said know you all have questions so I will point to you then you can ask sound fair?
Danny  asks what's her name? Olivia
Scott then ask how does she know about us? and how come you never told me? I said because I tell her stories  about  us and how you became  a werewolf  she also know your names off by heart incase something  happened  to me and her mom, she also knows your face as well as you Alpha form but she only know you and you are her only uncle  unless she calls one of these her Uncle  and she won't do that with out permission from me, the person she want to call uncle. Also to answer  your second  question  I did not how to tell you the I had gotten a witch pregnant at 14 and because of that I ended up have magic power which you new about and only you new that. He then said ok and I would have never judge you but I understand  why you did not tell me.
Derek asks why did we never smell her on you? I new the spell to make sure you could only know my scent and no one else.
Liam asks me  what are you going to do about her mother? I don't know I know that she will live with me permanently from tomorrow on.
Allison  asks me who knows about Olivia? I said my dad and Scott's mom and that only because  she happened  to be the only nurse I knew and one who also know about supernatural.
(A/N for the sake of the story Scott got bit at the age of 13 and his mom new when he had just turned 14)
Jackson asks why is she moving tomorrow  and not today? I said because  if I don't let her spend one more day with her mother then she will sneak out and I don't fancy play chase in the middle of the woods again.
Lydia ask how did she know to come here? I said it can be two reasons  the first  she went to my house and no one was there so teleported to my room to get something  of mine to work out where I am or here mom told her to go to her uncle Scott  house which  she also know because if she can't  find my dad she could find his mom and she would help it just happens that we was all here.
Isaac asks the question i knew everyone  wanted the answer  to which is who is the mother? I said why don't we go and visit her also how would you feel about teleporting there? They said ok
I then shouted  for Olivia to come down they was all stand by the bottom and I said you might want  to move from there or you will get hit. They said why and I said because  she is about to do a spell. As I said that the stairs was now a slide and because they did not move in time I put a barrier up so she would go in to that and it would not hurt her.

I removed the barrier and bent down to pick Olivia up and i said to do you want to go and see mommy she said yes and immediately teleported away. They all shouted saying well how are we getting there then and I said me I can teleport as well taking more people  with me now do you just want me to do it or to count? Half said count the other just do it so I had Derek and Scott play rock paper scissor Scott  played for the just do it side and won so as soon as the where all standing closes to me I teleported to the house in the woods on the opposite side to Derek's I said wait here because  I did not know if she would have been dressed lucky she was so I went back out and told them to come in. Me and her mother looked at each other and said Olivia why don't you got and ask luke to come over, I then say you can use you magic to play games and make thing like they are supposed  to be in you room if you go now. She say OK and was out of here in a flash, she come back with luke and Luke say's hello Mr Smith Hello Mrs Smith we say hello you can go to the play room now. As soon as the left we put the barrier up.

Everyone I would like you to meet the mother of my child and I will answer you question in a minute  Scott he just nod. Everyone this is Maya. Now Scott  you can ask what you want now. He says are you two married  I said no we are not we used Maya last name on all the school documents and everything else as if we used mine it would ruin my dad's reputation as you know my last name is not very common. Maya and the Pack look at me and Scott and said together how did you know he wanted to ask a question, the pack also ask why do you do that you can have a conversation and agree on things and know what each other is doing with out being there. I said I did not even  realise we done that, Scott than ask the pack how often do we do this and Liam said at least 3 times a day.  I sat down and said do you want me to stay the night Maya said yes and the pack can stay as well every one looked to me and Scott for permission we both looked at each before  Scott said yes we can stay and everyone said you just done it again.

We sat down and I lifted the barrier so if the wanted to come out they can now, then Olivia screamed Daddy I shouted back what I got the response of fire in my room and can't remember the spell can you do it for me, Maya and I laughed and the other looked panicked I said it fine give it a minute, Olivia then shout back never mind Luke told me what I needed to say the other immediately calmed down. Then we heard Luke shout Bye Mr Smith see you next week and bye Mrs Smith I will see you when I become an angel. Liam then shouted wait when did they go past us? They didn't they teleported I said.

Maya's pov

I turned to the pack once Stiles has gone to get a drinks and say you are going to want to watch what happens next, I ask them have they ever seen stile be really caring and responsible? Before they can answer I said I know you have Scott, they then answer with no I said watch this then. The front door open and incomes Olivia she say dada Stiles comes out of the kitchen with a hand full of drinks and say yes, she then says dada your not the only boy I love anymore, Stiles say well who else has your love now?  Olivia  says Uncle Scott, Derek, Isaac, Luke, Danny, Liam and Jackson. I look at the pack as she says that and say watch this Stiles say thats OK I know they love you too WAIT did you just say Luke. She said yes but he won't  hurt me because he knows I have an alpha and a dad who can do magic. I turn to my daughter and say that was very smart to try and hide Lukes name in the middle. She said I know I got my smartness from daddy. I said yes you did and from me you got the magic.

Nobody pov
For that day on Stiles new he had help from the pack and Olivia had gained a big loving family. That was also how they pack meeting their niece and they would not change it for the world.

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