70- My presents to you

Start from the beginning

"Good morning," Jungkook greeted groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Taehyung laid his head on Jungkook's broad shoulder as he sighed softly in content. "We should get dressed quickly so that I can buy you a Christmas gift," Taehyung announced, pushing himself to his hands and knees in front of Jungkook. He tenderly kissed Jungkook's lips before climbing off the bed and hastily walking over towards his closet. Jungkook stretched his back before shoving the blankets off of him to follow after Taehyung. Taehyung was in the middle of changing shirts when Jungkook approached him and wrapped his arms lovingly around the smaller male's waist. "What's the hurry? Can't we just laze in bed together for a while, open the rest of your presents and just enjoy each other's company?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung suddenly turned towards him. "There are more?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook chuckled softly and scratched the back of his head.

"You didn't honestly think I was only going to get you just one gift, did you?" Jungkook asked jokingly as Taehyung huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Jungkook sighed in defeat at the look Taehyung was currently offering him as he wandered over towards the clothes Taehyung had picked out for him. "I'm getting dressed," he resigned softly, throwing on the shirt first. Jungkook was starting to realize that it didn't take much from Taehyung for the elder to get his way and that alarmed Jungkook to a small extent. What else would he be willing to do for Taehyung just to make him happy?

He wasn't sure, but he was certain he had to be cautious of Taehyung's requests. Jungkook was just pulling on his socks and shoes as Taehyung jovially approached him. "I know what I want to get you for Christmas," Taehyung blurted out, smiling in his usual boxy fashion as Jungkook couldn't help but smile back. "Let's go get you your gifts and then I'll open the rest of mine," Taehyung asserted as Jungkook forfeited himself to following Taehyung along for the day. Jungkook slipped his hand in Taehyung's own as Taehyung intertwined their fingers and directed the way to their destination.


Upon their arrival at their destination, Jungkook felt his heart race as he stared up at the bold, colorful sign that read 'Color Me Crazy' tattoo parlor. "T- Tae? Y- You want me to get a tattoo?" Jungkook asked anxiously, his hand tightening around Taehyung's own. Taehyung offered a soft, comforting smile as he brushed Jungkook's hair behind his ear. "I just thought it would look... rebellious and s- sexy," Taehyung explained softly, biting his lip and wondering if it would be good enough as a present for Jungkook. "We can do something else though," Taehyung quickly followed that statement as Jungkook swallowed hard. If Taehyung liked the thought of him having a tattoo, he wasn't going to deny that fantasy for him...

"I'll do it," Jungkook quickly agreed, throwing Taehyung off guard as he nodded hesitantly. "O- Okay..." Taehyung stammered out, his eyes wide with surprise as he held the door open for Jungkook. Jungkook boldly walked through the door, dragging Taehyung alongside him as they approached the counter. Jungkook cleared his throat, ringing the bell for service, and waited for someone to approach the counter. Taehyung still held Jungkook's hand tightly, the palm of Jungkook's hand sweating against Taehyung's as the younger valiantly accepted the gift Taehyung bought for him.

Before long, Jungkook had a tattoo of two separate, sideways solid black trapezoids side by side, forming a shield. Jungkook remained seated as the artist had instructed since the color had drained from his face when they'd started the process, although he felt fine now that his anxiety about it being painful was quelled. Taehyung tilted his head at the two shapes on Jungkook's hand, trying to figure out what they meant or what they were supposed to represent. Jungkook laughed softly as he watched Taehyung's eyebrows knit in confusion before the elder's gaze finally met Jungkook's intense stare. "Like it?" Jungkook asked, curious as to what Taehyung thought of it.

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