The Storm and The Blue Spirit

Start from the beginning

Katara lays back on her sleeping bag and goes to sleep. And with that, they all have a relaxing night by the seaside.

In the morning, they can be seen packing all their stuff on Appa's saddle with Sokka carrying the sleeping bags, Y/n organizing his books and personal belongings, Aang getting ready to depart, and Katara doing a headcount for any potential missing items.

Aang: "Look at that, clear skies today buddy, looks like we're going to have a smooth flight."

Katara, inspecting a bag she has in her bag and flipping it over to discover it was empty, spoke up.

Katara: "Well, we'd better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, cause we're out of food."

Katara walks up Appa's tail to the saddle and sits down.

Sokka: "Guys wait, I had a dream last night and this was in it, we shouldn't go to the market."

Katara: "What happened in your dream?"

Sokka: "Food eats people!

Katara, Aang, and Y/n looks at Sokka with curious looks.

Y/n: "I think his leader instincts might be broken."

Sokka scoffs.

Sokka: "Ugh, you cannot seem to let that go, can you?"

Y/n: "For dear life, I would hang on with it."

Sokka: "Also, Momo could talk."

Sokka turns to the flying lemur beside him and points his finger:

Sokka: "You said some very unkind things."

Aang: "Appa, yip-yip!"

And with that, Appa released a growl and started to fly into the sky.

(???): "It's good. It's perfect, I'm telling you."

The squad managed to find a nearby village.

Katara was interacting with a saleswoman that was trying to get Katara to buy a melon.

Katara moves the melon around quickly as she put her ear next to it.

She hears swishes coming from inside the melon.

Katara: "I don't know if I like the sound of that swishing."

The sales lady got down from her chair and made her way around her kiosk, trying to get Katara to buy the melon.

Sales Lady: "That means it's ripe, it's the ripe juices swishing around, huh?"

Aang: "I think it's true, Katara. Swishing means it's ripe."

Aang spoke from behind Katara as Sokka walked to her.

Katara: "I just realized we're out of money, anyway."

Katara put the melon she was holding back with the others on the kiosk.

Sokka handed the vendor a basket of fruit.

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