"Yes, it is." As Tasha kept talking me and the guys kept jumping about in celebration. We were really playing the Orpheum. Oh my God!

"Thankyou so much! We're doing it!" Julie yelled as she came off of the phone. We screamed and hugged each other as the guys kept running around. I hugged Reggie and smiled, knowing it might be one of the last hugs I get for a while. All of a sudden, the guys lifted Alex and started spinning him.

"We're playing the Orpheum, baby!" I yelled.

"Yeah! I'm swimming!" Alex yelled in response.


"You coming Jules?!" I yelled up the stairs as me and Julie were about to make out way out to the studio.

"Coming! Just a minute!" She yelled back.

"Okay! I'm just going to meet you out there!" I made my way out to the studio but stopped at the door. The guys were talking. I know it's not right to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself.

"I... I get it, I get it,  but it's hard. Do we even know what's on the other side when we cross over? Do we all still get to hang together? And what about Julie and y/n? You guys are the only family I have." I heard Reggie say.

"Yeah, I mean, I don't know what's gonna happen either, but... it's not like we have a choice." Alex replied. Suddenly, another bolt coursed through my veins, making me scream as I fell to the floor. They guys definitely knew I was there now.

"Y/n?!" Reggie helped me to my feet.

"Hi..." I grunted.

"Wait.." Luke started, "You're feeling the jolts too? How?! H- How did Caleb get to you?!"

"It- It's my fault.. I took a stupid offer from him and he stamped me too.." I pulled up my sleeve revealing the stamp.

"Oh.. Oh my God." Alex sighed. "I- I am so sorry y/n. This.. is not your battle. He shouldn't be targeting you. We need to cross over, and soon. For the good of everyone.."

"No.. This is my fault. I put myself into this story and I made my own mistakes, don't worry about me.. I have a plan." Just as I finished my sentence, Reggie sat me on the couch. Then, the doors swung open and Julie walked in. "Are you ready?" She asked, before seeing Luke's face and looking towards me, "Again? Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked me. 

"Yes. I'm okay, just a little rattled." I laughed gruffly.

"We all just got rocked pretty hard by those jolt things." Alex walked to Julie.

"Pretty sure I ghost peed a little." Reggie leant to his knees, making me laugh.

"Don't make me laugh." I whispered through a smile, hitting his arm.

"But we're fine." Luke added.

"Actually, guys, I'm a little nervous." Julie told us, "Luke, can I talk to you for a second?"


I raised my eyebrows at her as she walked off. Reggie slid back on the couch, meeting my eyes once again. "Reg.. I just want you to know, I won't forget you." I smiled at him, my heart breaking a little.

He blushed a little, "I- I know that. How could you?" He nudged me jokingly, "I'll never forget you either."

"I want you to promise me something."

"Your wish is my command." He smiled.

"Once you cross over.. if you do see my mom.. just tell her that me and Jules miss her more everyday. And thank her. For everything."

The Ghost Playing Bass(Reggie x reader)Where stories live. Discover now