I chuckled lightly. "You don't think I know how much hate I deserve? How things happen to me and I know that it was my fault and I deserved it? I have more inner demons than I would care to admit but don't think for one second that I don't know what I deserve. News flash, I never said I was perfect because I am not but I am trying and that is good enough right now." My chest pounded so loudly I could hear it in my ears.

"And yet you still have all your little friends and your perfect little boyfriend," she hissed, stomping her foot.

"Don't talk about him," I said in a low voice, ensuring that she knew to choose her next words carefully.

She wasn't willing to cross that road so instead, she switched back to her original problems. "You don't know how hard it is to make friends now! I have no one!"

"You had Gabriella!" I yelled sternly. "You don't need hundreds of friends, find one good one and be done with it. After I left the toxicity of our friendship I was alone for weeks and I was content."

"And what was I to you for the last ten years, just another toxic mess?" She asked sarcastically,

"You were a bad person trying to make a name for herself by using me," I hissed. "Get your shit together Natasha because no one has time for your immaturity, especially not me." I turned my back on her but not before glancing back one last time. "Leave my friends and family alone, and grow a vagina and tell Gabby what you did, maybe she'll even forgive you."

"Oh please, Gabby knows it was you and I have intentions to tell her otherwise," she said with a smile and flipped me off.

I sighed loudly and twisted on the heel of my boot, facing her again. I reached into the pocket of my coat and showed her my phone. More specifically, I showed her the time running on the voice recorder app. "Then I'll just tell her first," I shrugged with a smile. Turning it off.

Her face drained of its natural olive color as she stared at my phone. "I hate you," she hissed.

"Get in line," I said with an eye roll and decided to step onto the bumper of a pickup truck and jumped into the small space between that car and Natasha's, without using my hands. As I walked back to my car I knew, without looking back, that she was still staring at me and so I held up my middle finger, throwing a cheesy smile over my shoulder with a wink before climbing into my car.

I turned the ignition on and put the car in drive, pulling out of my parking spot as something splattered on my windshield. I hit the brake quickly, jerking forward in my seat. The strawberry milkshake slowly trailed down my windshield as I stared in quiet shock.

The mature thing to do would be to turn on my wipers and wash the thick milkshake off. The mature thing to do would be to drive out of the parking lot as nothing had happened.

But I wasn't in the mood to be the bigger person right now.

I slammed the car in park and threw the door open, leaving it still running as I snapped my head towards where Natasha stood a few feet away, her hand still in front of her from throwing the milkshake.

For the second time today, her face completely paled as she realized that I had no intention of driving off. She took a small step back and I stomped over to her, my teeth gritted. Once she saw me advancing on her she started walking backward quickly. I gained on her quickly and she held her hands in front of her. "Don't, don't," she pleaded, backing up against a car.

"Don't what?" I whispered cooly as I stepped right into her personal space, making sure not to touch her. Her eyes widened in fear. I smirked, "You don't get to pull that shit and not expect any consequences from it, do you?"

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