18. Alexander needs help sometimes

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"Mom?" Alexander squeaked into the phone. It was around 10 pm, so not too late. Hopefully. The last thing he wanted to be was a burden.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you?"

Ah, yes, the big question. He didn't know why he was dreading it so much when that was the entire reason why he was calling. He could hear his mother's smile too. He didn't want to ruin the mood. But...

"I- uh, I'm a little scared, to be honest..." he said in a small voice.

And the smile dropped.

"Hon, what's wrong? Do you want to come over? Do you need me to come over?"

"No, no, Mom, I'm not in danger or anything. I just wanted to hear a familiar voice, I guess."

"Alright," she hummed. "Why are you still awake?"

"Couldn't sleep," he stated simply. "How about you?"

"I was watching a movie with your father. Do you want me to bring sleeping pills over tomorrow? I know those helped before."

"No, it's fine I-"

"Well, I'm coming over so I might as well."

"Mom, you don't have to..."

"Do you want me to?"

"Maybe a little bit..."

"Then I will. Goodnight, Alexander."

"G'night, Mom."


Alexander opened the door, letting Martha in. They hugged and Philip came running over to give his grandmother a hug.

Martha tutted, running her fingers through her son's matted hair with dry ends. "You should cut it if you're not going to take care of it."

"I do take care of my hair!" Alexander gasped in mock offense. "I like having it braided." Especially by John.

Martha smiled. "We'll have to do that later, then."

She put her stuff down by the couch and handed over some stuff she brought over for Alexander.

The kitchen wasn't too much of a mess, but it wasn't clean either. Martha rolled her sleeves upon seeing the sink starting to pile with dishes.

"Oh, no, mom, I can do that. I just haven't gotten to it. I'll do it."

"I'll handle it, dear," she reassured. "Go spend time with Philip."


But she was already heading for the sink. Dishes were piled up at least halfway. Probably a bit more. It had been piling up because Alexander slowly grew tired every time he came home from work. Maybe it was stress. Maybe it was simply that he didn't enjoy working at a cafe. He just didn't have time.



"It'll only take a few minutes. Go."

Alexander chewed his bottom lip and nodded.

"I just-" he sighed. "I feel bad with how much I'm relying on you and dad and everyone else. I mean, the court case too and stuff."

"I don't mind, I promise." She pulled him into a hug, working her fingers through his damaged hair. "You're still my son and I'm still your mother. You're struggling right now and me and George are always here to help. How's the case going?"

"They're working with what they have so far. Y'know, trying to find out our next move."

"That's nice."

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