Not While I'm Around

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MASSIVE TW: Mentions of domestic abuse, and blood

Also, Adam is Kurt's ex-fiance.

Blaine was in the shower, so Kurt decided to make himself a snack. He got out the Nutella and put the bread in the toaster, waited until it was done, and then spread Nutella all over the slices. Nutella toast wasn't the healthiest thing, but right now he didn't care.

He picked up the plate and started to walk towards the living room, but he slipped and fell and dropped the plate. It shattered with a loud bang.

Kurt panicked. He started picking up the small pieces of ceramic off the floor and promptly putting them in the trash. He didn't think to get a broom or notice that his hands were bleeding, or stop the tears from falling down his face, he just wanted the plate off the floor as quick as possible

"Kurt!" Blaine called from down the hall, "What was that noize? It sounded like a plate-" Blaine was cut off by the sight of his boyfriend on the floor, bleeding, trying to pick up pieces of a broken plate.

"Kurt, honey, stop," He squatted down and put his arm on Kurt's shoulder, "Stop, your bleeding."

Kurt was snapped out of his trance and looked up at Blaine with tearful eyes.

"I so sorry. I didn't mean to break it. I didn't mean to-" Kurt was still uncontrollably sobbing, looking from the plate to Blaine

"Kurt, baby, stop it. Come on, let's go sit on the couch, okay?" Blaine leads his boyfriend over to the living room couch. The taller man cried into Blaine's chest, and he held his lover until he stopped.

"I'm sorry Blaine, I shouldn't have reacted like that..."

"It was him, wasn't it? Adam was the one who made you feel like this." Blaine knew about Kurt's trauma surrounding his ex-fiance, but he had never seen Kurt so shaken up.

"Please don't say his name," Kurt whispered, "It brings back a lot of memories."

"I'm sorry. He was the one who made you feel like this?" Blaine asked again, leaving out Adam's name.

"Y-Yes. Every time I did something wrong he would punish me for it. He would... he would beat me." Kurt started to sob again. He couldn't take it. His boyfriend knew Adam use to abuse him, and he was mostly over what he had gone through, but there were still days where he would just break down.

"Kurt, sweetie, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve that. No one deserves that. I wish I could take all the pain away." Blaine was crying now too. He hated seeing the love of his life so distraught.

"C-Can we watch a movie? One with a happy ending?" Kurt asks.

"Of course, but you have to promise me something first. Promise me that you'll at least try not to freak out like that. I am not Ad- him. I will not hurt you. But, if you do panic, I'll be here for you. No one can hurt you while I'm around. Ever. So promise?"

"I promise."

For the rest of the night, they watched silly Disney movies and cuddled on the couch. Kurt fell asleep in Blaine's arms, listening to Ariel sing about her new world, knowing that he was safe there.

And he did slip up again, he did panic about things that Adam would've gotten mad at him for, but Blaine was always there to tell him he was alright. Nothing bad could happen to him while Blaine was around.

-580 words-

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