4 - Immortal

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I am writing this so I don't have to do my homework...

Kurt and Blaine live in NYC together., they have been for a year or two. They have their own apartment.

"Kurt I have something very important to tell you." Blaine spewed out one night while he and Kurt were watching a movie. It was completely out of the blue.

"Umm... What is it Blainey?" Kurt said, preparing for the worst.

"I'm not human."

Kurt started laughing, I mean, what else could he do? Blaine was going crazy.

"That's a good one Blaine," Kurt said as he started to eat popcorn again.

"No Kurt, I'm serious." Kurt paused and looked back up at Blaine. He wasn't joking.

"Have-" Blaine started, "Have you noticed that I haven't aged since we met? I still look like the Dalton prep boy you met 5 years ago? I mean yeah, I changed my hair a little, but that's it."

Now that Kurt was thinking about it, Blaine's right. Kurt had gotten a bit stronger and taller, but Blaine hadn't changed at all. Kurt had heard about immortal people, but always thought they were faking it.

"So... how old are you actually?" Kurt asked.

"Well, I have the body of a 22-year-old, but I'm actually 234."

Kurt choked on his popcorn a little. 

"234?" Kurt almost yelled, "I- I'm dating a 234-year-old."

"And a vampire." Blaine chuckled.

"YOUR A VAMPIRE TOO?!" Kurt screeched.

"Yeah, how else do you think I'm immortal?" 

"I don't know... so does that mean you want my blood?"

Blaine laughed a little.

"No, it is impossible for a vampire to thrust for the blood of the people they love. That how I know that I love you. When you were singing Blackbird it occurred to me that I had never wanted your blood. And I know that sounds gruesome, but it's true." Blaine finished.

"Can.." Kurt began. He wasn't sure if it was possible, but he wanted to ask, "Can you make me like you, a vampire."

"I can but I don't want to. Kurt, I have been alive for 234 years. I have watched countless loved ones, boyfriends, family members, friends, all die. And I will never die."

"But... If I'm a vampire we will always have one another. Yes, we will have to watch all our family members die, and it will definitely be the hardest thing ever, but when I said I wanted to love you fearlessly and forever, I really meant forever." Both boys had tears in their eyes by the time Kurt was done with his speech.

"Do, do you really want me to?" Blaine asked.

"Blaine we're getting married! I want to be with you forever."

Blaine leaned in and started kissing Kurt's neck. The taller man started to whimper. All of a sudden there was a sharp pain right at Kurt's pulse point. Kurt gave a soft scream. After a minute Blaine pulled back.

"Sorry about your neck," Blaine laughed. His lips were covered in Kurt's blood. Kurt immediately wanted to kiss it off of him.

Kurt grabbed the face of his love and pulled him into a kiss, licking all the blood off in the process.

"It's okay," Kurt responded.

"I love you, Kurt."

"Fearlessly and forever, Blaine."

The two watched movies and cuddled for the rest of the night, with the knowledge that they could actually do this forever."

I kinda like this one. I might make a sequel at some point.

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