Incorrect quotes

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Thank you for 1.17K reads!

Anyway, I am working on the prompts you gave me, but I still wanted to post something. So here's a bunch of incorrect quotes I found on Instagram or Twitter.

Also, tell me if you want me to make any of these into full stories!

Blaine: Do you think that when butterflies are in love they feel humans in their stomachs?
Kurt: Is this what you think about?


Blaine: I want to wake up with you for the rest of my life.
Kurt: I wake up at 6:30 am.
Blaine: ...
Blaine: I want to go to bed with you for the rest of my life.


Kurt: I think you've had enough coffee.
Blaine: Coffee cures depression.
Kurt: I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that.
Blaine: More expresso. Less depresso.


Blaine: Honestly I'm so badass I strike fear into-
Kurt: You sleep with a stuffed giraffe.


Blaine: Kurt does a lot of cool stuff.
Sam: Like what?
Blaine: Like me!


Kurt: Do you want to do something?
Blaine: Sure! What do you want to do?
Kurt: It involves pillows and blankets and-
Blaine: OH MY GOSH! Are we building a pillow fort?


Blaine: Have you seen my top
Rachel: Kurt's in the shower.
Blaine: I meant my shirt!


Blaine: I'm pregnant!
Kurt: ...
Blaine: April fools!
Kurt: We are 2 gay men-


Kurt: I want to do something stupid.
Blaine: Do me! I'm stupid!


Blaine: It'd be awesome to see each other. You know, as friends.
Kurt: Yeah as friends.
Kurt: *Kisses Blaine*
Kurt: Maybe more than friends.
Blaine: Yeah, that works too.


Blaine: 20 years from now, I guarantee you, I will be your 2nd husband.
Kurt: What happened to my 1st husband?
Blaine: Nothing you can prove.


Blaine: Did you know there is a big sale going on right now?
Kurt: No! Where is it?
Blaine: My room. Clothes are 100% off.


Blaine: *Kisses Kurt on the cheek*
Kurt: Ugh... what the fuck Anderson!
Kurt: ...
Kurt: Do it again.


Blaine: Are you trying to seduce me?
Kurt: Why? Are you seducible?


Kurt: I think you're still suffering the effects of last night's party.
Blaine: But all I drank was Red Bull!
Kurt: How many?
Blaine: 18...

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