Kurt's Knives

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TW: Blood, knives, death, and just general serial killer things

"I said no, Blaine. We are not murdering anyone tonight I just cleaned the carpet!" Kurt said his fiance sternly.

"But Kurt I already invited her over for dinner. And I don't want to sit through an entire 1 and a half of her buffoonery and not just some blood out of it!"

Kurt sighed, "Tell me who you invited over and I'll consider it."

"The one and only Isabelle Wright is coming over," Blaine said proudly. Isabelle was Kurt's higher up at work. He was an intern right now, so if someone up the chain quit their job, he would be promoted and actually get paid for the work he was doing. And he would finally be able to quit his job at the diner.

Kurt looked at his love with wide eyes, "You got her to say yes?! She's really coming over!" Kurt was so excited. He had wanted to kill Isabelle ever since he started working at Vogue, but she had always declined their dinner invites. And now...

"She finally said yes. I saw her in a coffee shop today and she asked if she could have dinner with us. I probably should have questioned why, but it's too late now." The shorter boy said.

"Oh no no no, darling. We should not question her. We should just be happy she's coming over," Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, kissing him softly, "Just make sure you kill her on the hardwood floors."

"What? I'm not killing her," Kurt was confused by his love's words, so he continued, "You can kill her where ever you like."

"Really?! I can do it! But I killed Quinn last time, it's your turn."

"Babe, it's fine. You've wanted her for a while and I just want you to finally have her." Kurt smiled. He had the best fiance in the world.


"Kurt, there is a reason I wanted to have dinner with you tonight," Isabelle said. They were all sitting around the table, lazily eating their food.

"Why is that?" Kurt responded cheerfully.

"You know I love you, I really do, but... the company had downsized. And we're not going to need you anymore."

His whole world stopped moving. He glanced at the floorboard beside his chair. That's where he kept his knives. The ones he adored so much. The ones he loved to use. He looked back up at Isabelle.

"I completely understand. But it was so nice working with you and everyone else there. It truly was a blessing." Kurt said sweetly

"Well, I'm glad you're not taking it too hard. I mean I know you've only worked there for a few months, but you seemed so passionate about it."

"I was. But I believe everything happens in life for a reason. And this is probably opening up a new door for me." Kurt moved his eyes towards Blaine. He was smiling, but he could tell he was giving Kurt permission to reach down into the floorboards and get his weapon of choice.

Kurt 'accidentally' dropped a fork on the floor, but when he came back up, he was holding a sharp knife with a red handle. This one was his favorite.

"K-Kurt where did you get that?" Isabelle said, slightly nervous.

"At the store," Blaine chimed in, "He loves to go shopping for knives, more than clothes! Which is really saying something."

"Right by why is he holding it right now?" Isabelle was getting more and more frightened by the minute, just how the boys liked it.

Kurt leaped over the table, grabbing his boss's neck. he healed the knife to her throat and cut through it like butter. Blood sprayed all over his face and neck.

"I think I just got promoted" he whispered under his breath

Blaine watched the love of his life slit Isabelle's throat, and he could tell Kurt was having the time of his life. He looked so unbelievably happy, and Blaine wanted him to stay like that forever. He wanted them to stay like this forever.


"Okay the body is properly disposed of-" Blaine said walking back into their apartment, "Kurt are you still polishing that knife?"

"Yes. It's my favorite and no matter how much I loved to watch the light leave her eyes... I don't want to get this knife stained with her blood." Kurt explained.

"Fair enough. Imma go mop up the blood in the kitchen and then if your done polishing your boyfriend we can eat ice cream and watch a movie." Blaine said sarcastically.

"You know what I love most about you," Blaine shook his head no, "Is that even over the 7 bodies you've taken, 9 lives stolen, for a total of 16 we've taken together, you are still a softy who loves cuddling with me." Kurt giggles. Blaine leaned in and kisses him, whispering I love you's back.

"And you still cry at the end of Moulin Rouge," Blaine whispered, just loud enough for Kurt to hear.

"I do not!" Kurt defended.

"Oh yes, you do. But I love it." Blaine said and kissed him again, before going into the kitchen to go mop up what was left of Kurt's former boss.

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