5 - Masquerade

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Blaine is a prince and Kurt is a village person. (Idk if village person is the correct term, but you get it)

Kurt Pov

This was it. Tonight was the big masquerade ball at the prince's castle. I'm watching Mercedes and Rachel get ready while talking about the handsome prince. I know it's stupid, but I sometimes think about the prince, too. I know he's probably straight, but one can wish.

"Whatcha thinkin' on boo?" Mercedes asked me. She was wearing a long purple dress with glitter in the skirt.

"Oh nothing," I responded, "You all look so beautiful."

"Thank you," Rachel said, turning around in her pink flowy dress, "Now, we better get going. We don't want to be late."

The three of us got up and walked out towards Rachels's carriage. We rode to the castle in comfortable silence.

When we did get to the palace, the girls... well they forgot about me. They just put on their masks and ran inside without waiting for me.

When I get inside the palace is beautiful. It's nothing like I had ever seen before. It was a while room with large gold accents.

I don't know anyone besides Mercedes and Rachel (and they just left me) so I go over to the food table to get a drink.

"Hello." I turn around to see a man with black gelled down hair. I don't know who he is (because of the mask) but I can tell he's very handsome.

"Hi," I respond in a quiet voice.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

I was frozen. No one had ever asked me to dance with them before.

"Oh, my," my mysterious man said, "your not even gay, are you? I am so sorry I shouldn't have-"

"I would love to dance." I interrupted.

He smiled, "Okay."

He grabbed my hand and we went to the middle of the floor. We slow danced the night away. I couldn't help but think about how amazing he smells, how strong yet gentle his voice is, how his arms wrap around me.

The music eventually stopped (the band needed a break) and we went outside onto the balcony. It was just me, him, and the moonlight.

"You probably want to know who I am." The mystery man said.

"Well, yes I do. But isn't the whole point of a masquerade ball is that you can't tell who the person is?"

"Yes, but I don't want you to be like Cinderella. Have to run away from the ball before I even know your name."

He did have a point. I saw him reach up and grab his mask. I reached up and grabbed for mine, too. We took them off and looked at each other at the same moment.

"You're- you're the prince," I said in disbelief.

"And you're beautiful." 

"I didn't know you were gay," I said.

"Well, your the only one. My parent... well if I came out to them I wouldn't be the prince anymore."

"Oh. I'm so sorry," I paused, "but what if you ran away... with me?"

"But I'm sure you have a life to live in the village. I couldn't do that." He took my hands and looked into my eyes.

"Trust me. My mother died when I was 8 and my father died last year. And none of my friends are worthy enough of keeping."

"Are- are you sure you want to run away with me?"

"Yes." He smiled. God his smile is beautiful.

"Well," he said, "go home and pack a bag. Oh! and write a note to your friends. Don't tell them you ran away with me though."

"Trust me, if I said I ran away with Prince..."

"Blaine," he completed

"Prince Blaine they wouldn't believe me." We both laughed a little together.

"Well, meet me back here in 45 minutes and we will leave." He kissed my forehead and I started to run down the stairs to go and get the stuff I needed. I suddenly stopped, though.

"Oh, and my name is Kurt."

Blaine looked back at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"That's a beautiful name... Kurt."

I ran back over to him and grabbed his face. I slammed my lips against his. He brought his hand to my waist and kissed back.

I pulled back and smiled at him, "See you in 45 minutes!"

Now we live together in the countryside. His parents never came looking for him, and neither did my friends. We have a daughter named Tracy. We found her on our porch in a basket. She had a birth certificate with her, but all it said was Tracy. So we added our combined last name, Anderhummel, and put us as her parents.

She is now 4 years old and we couldn't be happier together. Perspective wise was it really a good idea to run away with a man I had known for 5 hours? Maybe not... but I wouldn't change it for the world.

That was kinda cute! Cliche, but cute.

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