|| the motive

380 50 18

Seoul, Korea

The screen starts to blur into one big white blob. You rub your eyes and try to refocus.

Even after more examination on Park Jimin's residence, there was still a lack of proper evidence for motive.

You know who it is.

Now, all you have to find is the motive and method.

It's so close. You need that one thing, just one more click and you'll have the answer. It's inevitable.

You skim through the autopsy report one more time before deciding to click out. Instead, an interesting article about Mr. Jung's most recent gig pops up.

Absentmindedly, you open it, just expecting some grieving messages about how Mr. Jung was such a bright boy or whatnot.

However, you spot something in one of the pictures.

It's of Hoseok. He's sitting amongst other people that signed up for the gig, eagerly awaiting for the announcement that would be made via the intercom.

His eyes are wide with life and a sparkling passion, although the figure in the back catches your attention more.

The murderer is in the same picture.  He's simply sitting, but that's all you need.

It clicks.

The murderer also signed up for this music opportunity but didn't get it.

In a daze and a rush of adrenaline, you search through the other contestants and their submissions.

There it is.

With almost identical tracks, the murderer and Jung Hoseok are only two minutes apart in their submission time. Near the murderer's name you see a star, which indicates that they were eliminated on the first round.

That's the motive.

Now, you just need the method, and then the murderer will be dead meat.

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