|| the murderer

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Park Jimin's Interrogation:

"Who decided to arrange this gathering?"

"Me and Yoongi."

Jeon Jungkook's Interrogation:

"You said that Jin keeps quiet, so how did you know about his break up?"

"Yoongi and Joon told me about it. They're really close with Jin."

Kim Taehyung's Interrogation:

"That night... everyone ate and drank the exact same things—aside from Hoseok, who didn't drink the alcohol. Is this correct?"


Min Yoongi's Interrogation:

"Jin and Joon got the sprite, Jungkook and Taehyung got the alcohol, and we picked out the cake as a group."

Kim Namjoon's Interrogation:

"Do you know why Jin drank more than usual?"

"He broke up with his girlfriend. Yoongi was telling me about it."

Kim Seokjin's Interrogation:

"You were dared to?"

"Yeah, by Yoongi."


Yoongi is the murderer.

After checking the tracks that were submitted, you found that his and Mr. Jung's track were practically identical.

"That's right." He gives a slightly fond smile. "I introduced Hobi to music, actually."

No wonder he was so hurt.

His dearest friend plagiarized his work.

He tried to frame Jin for it. Jungkook and Taehyung were convinced to bring alcohol by Yoongi and Namjoon. But Namjoon only knew about Jin's "break up" through Yoongi.

By daring Jin to drink more and telling the others that Jin was going through a break up, Yoongi was able to direct suspicion.

Jin is a chef. He has knowledge on how to cook.

Jin cleans up after parties. He has more chances to interact with Hoseok.

However, missed the motive. What does Jin get out of killing Hoseok? Nothing.

What does Yoongi get out of this? Revenge.

The method of murder is difficult to dissect. You know that it's by poisoning, but you can't deny that Yoongi went up at 9pm. He had to have done something before.

The drug wasn't in the alcohol, and the sprite couldn't have been drugged either, because Namjoon said he took a sip of it. In addition, the sprite was in cans, and the hole for that? Tiny. It's impossible to drug that.

Although everyone picked the cake, Yoongi was the one got it. 

You know that he could've poisoned that, but then again, everyone had the cake. Another time he had contact with the drinks was before Jin came inside to grab the cake.

"Well, I was about to help serve the alcohol with Yoongi but the two youngest wanted to. So I ended up serving the cake instead."

He had contact with all the food then, but then again, everyone ate the same exact thing, aside from Hoseok who didn't drink the—


A small vase of flowers catches your eyes. When they die, they wither and turn brown. In order to prevent that, people use pesticides. Pesticides are used to protect plants against harm, such as unwanted bacteria and viruses.

For some reason, that sparks a connection between your nerves and you finally get it.

You know what he did.

It is absolutely genius.

You let out a breathless chuckle and sigh, packing up your things and getting ready to go home. Tomorrow, you'll write your report and be done with this case for good.

You know exactly how to start the report: with Min Yoongi's unique yet brilliant murder method.

He put the lethal poison, Ethylene glycol, in the cake.

Then, he put the antidote, Ethyl alcohol, in the alcoholic drinks before it was served.

Hoseok doesn't drink alcohol.


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