|| jeon jungkook

459 59 44

Seoul, Korea
1:14pm, 02/20/XX
Office of Interrogation

This is your second interrogation of today. There will be one more today, and three more tomorrow.

Jungkook is more tense than Jimin when he sits behind the glass. Also unlike Jimin, he is fidgeting around with the hem of his shirt and tapping his foot obnoxiously on the ground.

"Mr. Jeon," you professionally greet.

"Hello." He nods timidly.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you are to answer me with complete honesty, understand?" You don't always say this, because someone else already came in earlier to make them swear an oath. Sometimes you trickle it in to gauge their reaction.

"Of course, I will. I swear."

"Splendid," you say, "Let's begin."

You take out your notepad and pen, clicking it loudly as you prepare to ask questions for this first round of interrogations. He's so incredibly nervous that you see sweat beads lining his face.

"How do you know Mr. Jung?"

"I-I met him at a music program."

"What type of program?"

"A masterclass."

You nod, noting that his response lines up with Jimin's.

"What were you doing that night?" you ask the same questions that you did with Jimin at first.

Similarly, Jungkook struggles to find an answer, "I'm so sorry... I don't remember. I'm usually the first person who gets drunk, and when I drink I get wasted," he explains hastily.

You refrain from scoffing at that horribly constructed response. If there's one thing you're good at, it's reading other people. You're confident that Jungkook is hiding something with how he's still nervously darting his eyes everywhere.

"How much did everybody drink?"

"Um, a lot?" he offers somewhat sheepishly, "I don't remember how much everyone drank, but I remember waking up and everyone was hungover."

"Except Mr. Jung." Because he died, is what you left unsaid.

Jungkook gulps at this and tears form in his eyes.

"Y-yeah," he breathes out.

"So, you were one of the people who insisted on bringing the alcohol, correct?"

"Yes," he manages to admit, "Taehyung and I wanted to get some, but not just for our sake!"

I furrow my brows while listening to what he has to say.

"Jin went through a breakup a few days ago, and he's usually very quiet about his wants. We figured that drinking might help him enjoy Hoseokie's birthday more." Jungkook sounds scared. His voice becomes shaky.

"Noted." You jot it down, not showing any hint of emotion on your face. "You said that Jin keeps quiet, so how did you know about his break up?"

"Yoongi and Joon told me about it. They're really close with Jin."

I notice that his nervous demeanor hasn't gotten better. "Why are you so nervous, Mr. Jeon? Do you have anything to confess?"

There are two possible reactions that can strengthen suspicion; he can either furiously deny, or tense up quietly without saying anything.

"I-I..." His gaze meets the floor. "I do have something to tell you."

I straighten my back. "Go ahead."

"I noticed something about Hoseok that night." He shuts his eyes, "After we started drinking, I think I saw him stumbling and hear him saying that he got dizzy."

You raise your eyebrows at the confession.

"I-I feel like shit—oh sorry I'm not supposed to curse—I mean, I felt horrible because I should've asked if he was okay," he sobs, "But I shook it off and went on with my night like usual."

Unlike the other moments in Jungkook's interrogation, he isn't tense right now. It's as if he's relieved, actually, that he finally got off what was weighing on his chest. You give him a moment to cry before asking another question.

"At what time did you guys start drinking?"

"Eight or nine, I think," he croaks out.

When you get the time of death, you'd be able to make use of this information a lot more.

"When did Hoseok start looking sick?"

"Th-that's the thing," Jungkook starts, "he looked sick right after we finished the cake and started drinking. That's when my memory gets hazy."

His sobs are getting even more unsteady, and you realize that he's the youngest out of the bunch. You suppose this is quite a bit of pressure on a 19 year old boy. Unless he's the murderer, that is. You decide to have mercy on him.

"Alright Mr. Jeon, thank you for your time. I'll let you go."

"Y-yes." He wipes his eyes and sniffles. "Thank you."

Once he is dismissed, you go over the notes you have accumulated so far.

You know that Mr. Jung is very close with all the boys. A possible motive may arise from his newest accomplishment; Jimin said that he scored a music gig recently. From the sounds of it, Jungkook didn't seem to show any signs of distaste, but you'll keep wary of him. Jimin doesn't seem too suspicious, but then again you've only interrogated two people.

They both said that they couldn't remember much from that night.  If more of the boys can't remember anything, then you'd have to rely more on incidents before the actual day of murder.

But one thing is clear; there was definitely sedative in the alcohol.

A/N ||
I just finished planning out the chapters. So excited for this book.
What are your thoughts/theories?
Much love!

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