|| kim seokjin

357 50 30

Seoul, Korea
7:02pm, 02/21/XX
Office of Interrogation

Jin's demeanor is refreshing compared to Namjoon's. His eye bags are more prominent than anyone else's, and his usually broad shoulders seemed to have collapsed into itself.

"Can you tell me about your relationship with Mr. Jung?"

"He's a good friend of Namjoon's. We got close pretty quickly. But then again he's like that with everyone." Jin solemnly looks to the floor. "He's like sunshine."

"I see." You notice how Jin speaks in present tense, as if Mr. Jung were still alive. "What do you remember from that night?"

It takes him a moment, "It's all a blur..." tears well up in his eyes, "All I know is that I drank a lot and so everything became a haze of dancing and cleaning."

"What time do you remember cleaning up?"

He scrunches his eyes shut, trying to recall the memory, "12am? 1am? Sometime between there."

The time of death is 1-2am.

"When do your visions start to get hazy?"

"Since my first bottle," he fights back tears again, "Th-the last thing I saw w-was Hoseok twerking."

You don't laugh. Instead, you run through your notes again.

What if Jin convinced Jungkook and Taehyung to get alcohol by making them feel bad for his recent break up? That would give him the opportunity.

He claims to have started cleaning up very close to the time of death. This either means that he isn't the murderer, because it's too risky to admit to that, or it means that he is the murderer, but just really dumb.

"What is your occupation?"

Jin is the oldest, so he already has a full time job. You're anxious for his answer, feeling close to coming up with a solid conclusion.

"I'm a chef. I work for Gordon Ramsey's restaurant in the UK, but I come here to visit often."

Chefs have extensive knowledge on how to incorporate drugs into food.

"Who was responsible for bringing what food?"

You start to not care about how random your questions are sounding. You're so close to the answer. You probably won't even need a second round of interrogation if he says what you think he'll say.

"We chose the cake together, and the maknaes got the drinks."

You have to bite your tongue from impolitely asking who served what. Even Jin can tell that you're getting ideas, because he cowers in his seat more than before.

"Explain to me how the drinks were served," you manage say calmly.

"Well, I was about to help serve the alcohol with Yoongi but the two youngest wanted to. So I ended up serving the cake instead."

Hm. You nod and jot that down.

"How much did you drink?" You stop yourself from tapping your foot against the ground.

C'mon, be a little more professional than that.

He clears his throat, looking down in disappointment, "Too much," he replies, "More than three bottles."


"I was dared to," he lets out shakily.

This makes you sit up in your seat. That doesn't line up with what anyone was saying.

"You were dared to?"

"Yeah, by ______."

It takes you five entire seconds to make sense of that profound information.

You almost want to twist a reason to suspect Jin again, but once that name leaves his mouth you shut your own.

Frantically flipping through your notes, the evidence seems to jump at you, scream at you, claw through the paper and straight to your heart.

Jin watches in fear and confusion.

Regaining yourself, you clear your throat and face him.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Kim." You smile. "You're dismissed."

He seemed surprised by the short interrogation, but still leaves the room with a timid nod and bow.

You take one big breath to steady yourself, before heading to your office. You're about to get to the bottom of this.

The last two chapters will be the reveal :)

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