"Have you found yours?" I suddenly asked. I admit I am kind of a jerk for asking that. She lost her smile when I asked that. Mika lost her smile because of that question.

"No. I haven't. But I believe I will soon." She said and got rid of the smile on her face, she replaced it with a slight frown.

I wiped my own tears and looked at her.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"The same reason as why you are here." She simply answered and looked back at me.

"To cry? To die?" I asked again. It's not wrong to ask right?

"To cry? Yes. But to die? No. Even if I am so miserable and alone, I still believe that I have a reason to live. Even if sometimes, I also doubt if I should be here right now, breathing." Her expression turned from a frown to a cold expression. I feel happy that she finally believes she deserves to live and see the beauty of this world.

"How can you say that this world is beautiful?" I frowned.

"Because that is what my mother and father told me. I grew up believing that it is, even if there is no valid reason to believe in it---you are asking way too many questions. I have to leave." She stood up and was about to walk away but I held her hand.

She looked at me. I stood up and didn't let go of her hand.

"Eren. Eren Jaeger." I said.

"Mikasa Ackerman." She said and grabbed her hand from mine.

She left, and didn't even bother to look back.

I stayed and watched her leave.

"This is where I will be sleeping tonight." I told myself and sighed.

After that encounter, I never thought that we will grow closer. I remember when I saw her almost getting damped by the rain. I can't let her get sick so I went to her. Her smiles completes my day and life. We got closer until one day, she just became the reason why I wake up every morning. She became a vital part of my life. When she told me about her deepest secrets, it made me happy. And as I get to know her, and as I see more of her scars, I fell for her. I didn't know exactly when, all I know is that I am already in love. 

Every time she appears, I didn't have to put my palm on my chest to try to feel my heartbeat because it's so loud and so strong, I was able to feel it just by looking at her. 

One smile from her is a skip in the beat of my heart. 

I've fallen deeply..

And the night we drank, she got drunk so I took care of her. I cooked my Mom's porridge recipe and left notes. I stayed with her throughout the night but I also left because I have work tomorrow. I don't want to leave her but I had to. I will always remember that almost kiss of ours that night. I can never take advantage of her. I don't want to do that. My Mom didn't raise me like that. And I love her.. it's not love if you take advantage of that person.

When she texted me about her graduation, I moved the preparations for my birthday into that day. I arrived late at Averdien. Everyone looked at me. They must've thought that I am not a parent nor a student here so why am I here? I went to where the graduation was held and stood where I can see her properly. I saw her looking around so I made myself more visible. When she saw me, she had a face of relief. My heart flutter to know that I gave her a feeling of relief.

"I am sorry if I consumed about five minutes before getting this speech started. I actually didn't write a script. But I wanted to look cool and smart this graduation. Yasss, we love an unready queen. So I am just gonna say whatever comes to my mind." She said. She never failed to make me laugh.

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