Intro: Just there

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They say I'm crazy but that's not true, right?

Monday 2:35 pm

"Give it back Ken! You know I can't reach your arm and my legs are getting tired"
Drama lover.

"My bad Lisa, it's not my fault you're short though."

"No, he did not just say that!"

"I hate you so much!" You love the attention.

I roll my eyes, quietly continuing my drawing. The usual in the back of the class is happening. People circling around the two popular ones, starting a commotion. Ken teases Lisa because he likes her and Lisa is a pick- me girl, that's why she's oblivious to see how much he likes her. Not like anyone doesn't like her.

There is a person no one likes though. Me, I'm that girl. Silent most of the time. Unless I have to speak up. I understand them.

I don't like myself either

"Stop it you two!!" the teacher shouts while slamming her documents on her desk. Seeing that he finally entered, I close my drawing book. And instead take my math books. Opening it on the right page and then slowly drift away while looking outside the window.

She can't teach me anything I don't know yet. Most teachers don't even know I'm here.

Just like Lisa's oblivion, school passes immediately. Not wasting any time, I stand up, ready to be the first person to leave. I don't like being stuck in the hallways because there are too many people. My anxiety and asthma won't allow me that.

And if I am one second late I stay in the classroom longer. Showing my medical document to the teachers lets me have this privilege.

"Hey!! Nova!"

I stop, hearing my name being called. The name I...learned to despise. It was Lisa's voice. Did I hear that right? Why would she call me? I was about to continue my way, but a female hand grips my shoulder. Turning around I see indeed Lisa in front of me.

"Friday night is my party. I hope you'll come! The details will be sent this evening."

She smiles brightly while talking, revealing her white teeth. Only looking at her makes my mouth hurt. Doesn't she get sick of smiling all goddamn day?

"Lisa let's go!"

Her friend Sasha calls. Lisa quickly waves at me and joins her friend. I wanted to go out but I saw a crowd that was as big as a group of fans at a Chase Atlantic concert.

I tighten my grip on my bag while searching for my medical record and put it on the teacher's desk. Sitting after I saw her pitiful gaze.

There's a lot of things to be pitiful for but I'm not one of them.

I stared outside again. I would say that I stayed there for a good 30 minutes. The school is immense, and the teachers are too lazy to bring this matter to the higher-ups. They can make a solution which is simply to make multiple exits and entrances. The teacher left already, making me more comfortable.

The peaceful noise of leaves touching each other. Looking at the big tree located at the very end. It's one of my favorite places. I've been there ever since I was a kid. I can even say it belonged me. No one ever turns their attention towards it. It's like it doesn't exist for them but it is only there for me, and only me.

And I am more than happy with that.

My alarm starts ringing. I set it when I sat down earlier. Indicating that enough time passed to leave in an empty hallway. Packing up my stuff someone knocks on the door. My gaze shifts to the person and I see that it is the principal. She smiles sweetly at me.

"Didn't have enough time for your first exit?"

Principal Rochella. I've known her since I was a child. Which is why I am untouchable in this school. She's more like family to me than anyone else.

I chuckle.

"Yes, someone held me up."

"Come on, let me accompany you."

I quickly put everything in my bag and joined her. Making our way outside while she complains about everything and especially troubled students.

Expressing how she wishes they could be like me. I'm sure she means it in the most positive way possible.

However, I'm...just there.

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