all apologies - prologue

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How does it feel to go from being one of the most loved person in your school to the most hated?

It is HELL. It hurts to know that you're all alone suddenly. It pains to see all your former friends mock you, loathe you, bully you. It is pure fucking agony when people you don't even know call you slut, whore, hoe, bitch... The list goes on.

And what hurts the most is knowing that the sole reason I am called all those degrading names is because I refused to sleep with my boyfriend of two years, the star quarterback. All that animosity is directed at me because I just wasn't ready to lose my virginity in someone's else's home to my boyfriend—who was a bit too drunk at that moment. Only because I wanted my first time to be special and sure, a good memory with no regrets. Too much to ask?


Ironic, isn't it? You lose your virginity, you're called a slut. You don't lose your virginity, you're still called a slut.

This generation is sad, really...

Since I am a part of this generation, my life is also fucking sad. Well, it was... until--

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