Chapter 17

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"Linnie!" I heard my nickname and quickly turned to the forest line seeing Jake running out towards me with the rest of the guys following close behind.

"We heard you scream! Are you alright?! How did you get in there?!" He yelled out, jumping in with me.

"Bella pushed me in. I deserved it though, I said some terribly harsh things to her. I knew they would hurt her, but she hurt you and I couldn't help it. Jake, I know about spirit warriors. I've been knowing. Please don't push me away." I begged him, tears gathering in my eyes at the thought of him pushing me away.

"I won't. Let's get you out of the water," he said. Before I could move or say anything, he had me scooped up, bridal style, in his arms as he got out. He set me back on the ground. The other four had concerned faces on and were looking me over for injuries.

"Guys, I'm fine. Just cold," I said and Paul opened his arms, moving to give me a hug so I could warm up. Next thing I knew I was behind Jake, his arm behind his back wrapped around my waist, and he was growling at Paul, in a slightly crouched stance.

"Woah, chill Jake, I'm not gonna hurt her." Paul said, and I turned around so I could see them. He had his hands up and took a few steps back until Jake stopped growling.

"Jake, why did you do that?" I asked, putting my hand on his back and another on his bicep. He seemed to calm at my touch, and I smiled a little.

"I don't know. I just couldn't let him touch you," he said, looking a little surprised at himself.

"Oh," Sam said, seeming like he got it.

"Oh what?" I asked him, and he smirked. The rest of the boys started smirking, leaving Jake and I confused.

"You've imprinted," he said and both our eyes widened.

"On Linnie?" he asked, and Sam nodded.

"And the reason you had to get back at Bella was because you've found your fated. You said it yourself," he explained. I looked at Jake, moving around him so I could be face to face with him. Well, more like face to chest, he was several inches taller than me.

"That makes sense. When I saw you on the bridge and we made eye contact, everything shifted. I didn't care about Bella anymore or anything else, I just wanted to go to you," he explained, and I nodded.

"Same here. I felt like a puzzle piece was put into place. I'm sorry about the night at the movies. I said some hurtful things that I didn't mean," I shook my head angry at myself, even though it was in the past.

"No, you don't need to be sorry. I was a dumb jackass, I'm sorry. I didn't know what was happening to me. I just felt off. I was flirting with Bella and trying to fight Mike, and I hurt you in the process. Please forgive me," he said, wrapping me in his arms. I smiled in the hug.

"I forgive you," I said, and I heard Paul, Jared, and Embry all start to fake gag.

"Okay okay! We get it!" Jared said, waving his hands around.

"Make it stop!" Paul fake cried out, looking away.

"I always knew you two were gonna end up together, but now that y'all are, again, and I'm seeing it, I regret thinking that,'' Embry said, fake gagging again and holding his neck to prove his point. Sam laughed at the three, and I rolled my eyes.

"One day, when you all have your imprints, I'll be the one laughing." I said, and they all rolled their eyes.

"Nahh, you know me! I'll probably never find my imprint, and I prefer it that way!' Paul said, and Jake and I laughed.

"Just wait, you won't be saying that after," he said, and I nodded.

"Eva. It's time for you to tell Jake." Sam said, stepping more into the group.

"Tell me what? Also, Sam said I'm your fated, what does that mean?" He asked like a confused puppy. My old Jake is still here.

"Jake. I'm an Angel. Just like how spirit warriors have imprints, Angels have fated's." I said, and his eyes widened.

"Look at her aura, you can see that she is," Sam said. Jake moved away a little looking me up and down then looking to my sides, where my wings are.

"You have wings," he stated, and I made them appear.

"And a halo, but I can't make that appear," I said. As I said that, I felt something heavy fall over me, landing around my neck. I looked at it and took it off. 

"That's new," I said, looking at the weapon. I held onto the handle that fit my hand perfectly, and switched it between hands.

"You've must have gained new abilities after finding your fated," Sam said, and I nodded, making sure I had space before making slashes and punches. I have never learned how to use this yet my body knew how.

"Woah. You're incredible!" Jake yelled out, and I looked at him with a giant smile.

"Wait to see what else she can do," Jared said, and I nodded. We all went to Sam and Emily's.

 Jared, Paul and Embry went on patrol while I showed Jake all my powers. He gave me consent to read him, and I gave him consent in my mind as well. I updated Sam on the ability to read without consent, and I even made it stop raining on us. Jake was amazed at it all and kept giving me compliments which made me blush. Emily was so happy to have me officially a part of the pack as an imprint, and not just willingly helping. She was also happy that since I've fated to Jake, I'll be over a lot more than usual. And, she's got someone with her to worry when they go on patrol. I didn't have the heart to tell her that Sam, Jake, and I came to an agreement that when Jake's on patrol I'm patrolling with him. Not all the time though since I have school and dance. I also didn't want to be one of those couples attached to the hip, even though my angel side is begging for it.

*days later*

Bella and I's relationship is back to being very rocky. She's back to her depressive state, just this time she's staying around people. She's gone hiking quite a few times. Each time she does hike, I follow behind or above, because it's my job as an angel to watch over the humans, and Bella is one human who's always in trouble. Not only did my halo become a weapon as a new ability but I can now fully cloak myself, not just my scent and sound, but everything. I go completely invisible, its so cool! Its coming in handy with following Bella on these hikes, though like this hick, I usually just cloak my sounds.

 She's found a meadow that is all dead now, but by the strong emotions coming off of her and her natural blueish gray aura is lighting with a different, darker blue, for sadness, this meadow mean's something to her. Humans don't have one brighter color that hides their other colors like supernatural creatures. Their aura's match the emotion they have the most and change with the emotion they are currently having. Bell's is usually a blueish gray because she's always so quiet and timid.

I sat perched on a thick tree limb watching her breakdown. My caring side wanted to go down there and hug her, but I knew she would just push me away and yell at me. So I stayed watching over her. I heard a ding, one I haven't heard in months, one that symbolizes vampires. The one that symbolizes the wolves is a more echoey ding, like a howl or a triangle almost, while the ones for vampires is a sharp and short bell.

My head whipped up from Bella's figure to Laurent, the dreadlock vampire that warned us about James and Victoria almost a year ago.

"Bella," he said, and I tensed, something was different about him. I quickly cloaked myself, not just my sound, as I watched him with burning golden eyes.

~This is going back so fast! I hope her new abilities are clear, and not to much! Thank you and happy reading!~

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