Chapter 10

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*few days later*

"Jake isn't gonna do this, Bells." I sighed sitting in the truck with two beat up motorcycles in the bed, as we drove to the Rez.

"He will if I ask him." she said with certainty, making sure to emphasize the word I. Bella explained to me that night of the bikes how she did in fact, see Edward, in like a ghost from, warning her to not do it. So now she's convinced if she keeps doing dangerous things, she'll be able to see him. We pulled up and parked and as I got out, I saw Jake sprint over with a giant smile on.

"Bella! Linnie!" he called out and I smiled, I've really missed him.

"Where the hell have you been, loca?" he asked, picking her up, spinning her around a little. She laughed, and I swallowed the pit of jealousy that he went to her first.

"And you, come to use my bed again?" he asked playfully, picking me up in a hug as well. Those emotions quickly disappeared as I giggled. It felt right to be back in his arms.

"No, you get me awake this time! And it was like two times, okay let it go! I've come to be the voice of reason." I said pushing his hands away as they tried to poke me. He laughed and then bear hugged me, trapping my arms to my sides.

"I brought you something." Bella said, getting his attention back. Oh right, he's crushing on her, forgot about that.

"Okay." he nodded with his giant smile and she started moving the trunk bed down.

"It's a little crazy."

"No, it's a lot of crazy!" I protested, but she rolled her eyes at me. She took the cover off of them and smiled.

"Wow. Scrap metal. You shouldn't have." he sarcastically said, and I rolled my eyes at him. I took a deep breath, enjoying being back on the Rez.

"I saved it from the junkyard," he nodded, and she cleared her throat.

"I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth, but then I thought that if I had a mechanic friend to help me out then..."

"Ah, me being the mechanic-type friend." Jake nodded, getting it.

"That's right."

"Since when are you into motorcycles?"

"Since now."

"Since she got on the back of a random dude's motorcycle a couple nights ago in Port Angeles," I said, and she glared at me. Jake's eyes widened and he wanted to go say something, but I cut him off.

"Bella I'm not trying to ruin this good mood you're getting into, but please, something other than a motorcycle." I pleaded, and she just shook her head no.

"This is what I want to do. You can either be a part of it or not," she folded her arms and I sighed, be there when my sister steals Jake then gets in a motorcycle accident, or be doing anything else?

"I get it if you think that this is really stupid and reckless,'' Bella said to Jake, whose smile went away.

"Yeah, I mean, it's completely stupid and reckless. When do we start?" he asked, the smile going back on and I sighed. Bella gave me a 'told you' face, and I stuck my tongue out at her. Childish I know, but she started it.

"Um, now. Please." Bella said with a smile on her face. I can't be the reason she slips back into that depressive mood, she's on the line. Maybe time spent with people would help.

"All right. Oh come on Linnie, I probably won't be even able to get these things going, stay with us." Jake said after it was clear I wasn't on board.

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