Chapter 14

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*at Sam's house*

It was late at night, but it was time to explain to Embrey what I was. He took it quite well, freaking out only a little. Eventually, he fully embraced it and asked me to show him all my powers. I did, and he thought I was so much cooler than them. It made my day a bit better, and I was able to go home happy again.


"I did see something in the woods," Angela said while the rest of us ate our lunches.

"Totally. Baby, I believe you," Eric said, but Jess quickly jumped in.

"No, he doesn't. He's just trying to get lucky," Eric nervously laughed at that, and I rolled my eyes.

"What did it look like Angie?" I asked her, hoping it wasn't one of my boys.

"Okay. It was jet black and huge. On all fours, it was still taller than a person. A bear, maybe?" She asked and my breath caught in my throat but I quickly recovered. She saw Sam. I'll have to tell them to be more careful the next time I see them.

"Or an alien. You're lucky you didn't get probed," Mike said, making fun of the situation. Eric and himself snickered at the comment, and I smiled at Bella who was walking over to us.

"Well, I saw it," Angela said, and I nodded, sure that she did.

"You know, you're not the only one. My dad's been getting reports at the station. Like five hikers have been killed by some bear. But they can't find the bear," she said standing besides the table, slowly sitting in the seat besides me. Jess was on my other side and gave me a look asking why is she sitting here? But everyone, despite being weirded out, went back to the conversation. Angela gave Eric a pointed look, and he started laughing awkwardly.

Those weren't bare attacks, they were vampire attacks made to look like bears. It's making it harder for the wolves.

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend." Eric said, and I giggled, throwing a grape from my fruit bowl at him.

"Um, so? I mean, Bella's back?" Mike asked bells, but I listened to the conversation as I ate my turkey sandwich. She laughed her little awkward laugh and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"All right, that's...well, welcome. So um, listen, now that you're talking and um, eating again, which, you know, you've got to get that protein in there, um, I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me?" He asked, taking a lot of courage to and struggling at the end. Aw Mike, in a world full of supernatural creatures, you, a little human, decided to finally step up and ask Bella out. Bella didn't know what to say, and I glanced at Jess. Her and Mike just broke up, and he's asking my sister out.

"Yeah. Sure. Yeah, I do," she said after taking a second. She probably remembered how dad will make her move back with mom if she doesn't get out.

"Cool. Let me see, we could check out, um, "Love Spelled Backwards is Love." You know its a dumb title, but it's a romantic comedy. I mean, it's supposed to be pretty..." Bella cut him off.

"No. No romance. Uh, how about... Face Punch? Have you heard of that?" She asked. I wonder what he's thinking. I winced when I felt a new connection form, one I didn't even ask consent for.

'Oh, that's definitely not what I like. I was wanting to be romantic, but if she wants to see Face Punch, I can put up with it,' my eyes widened as I realized it was Mike's thoughts. I was in Mike's head! This is new! I disconnected immediately, feeling like I was intruding. The book Bella got me, well a journal of a previous angel actually, said how when I'm strong enough I'll be able to read anyone's minds and even control them without having to ask for consent. Next the book said I'll be able to make my energy shots into weapons and use them to fight instead of just blasting things.

The Turns of Evangeline's Life into the World of the SupernaturalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin