Chapter 15

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"Mike?" I gently asked, staying by the sinks. Everyone was in a movie, so there was no one else in here.

"Eva? What are you doing in here? It's the boys room," he stated, walking out of a stall, whipping his mouth. He was all sweaty and definitely has the flu. I went to him and put my hand on his shoulder and smiled a little.

"Just checking on you. How do you feel?" I asked seeing if I could heal him and make the sickness go away.

"Um, I feel, I feel like I have to throw up again," he said, rushing back into the stall. That's so weird, it seems I accidentally made him sicker. I'll have to check the journal when I get home to see if Gabriella, the angel the journal belonged to, wrote about how our healing works. I wish Cielo was here to help me.

"Okay, I'm better now." he said, moving to the sinks, washing his hands and washing his mouth out with some water.

"Okay, the other two are waiting out there," I said and we walked out. I turned into the conversation Jake and Bella were having as we walked up to them. I wanted to cry and beat the crap out of him at the same time. But, I knew if Jake was phasing and imprinted on her, then I had to accept it because he didn't have a choice. Why is this hurting way worse than a normal break up?

"Well," Mike said, sniffling and sighing, looking away as we saw Jake and Bella on the stairs with their heads together in the mirrors.

"I need to go home," he said, and I rubbed his back, hoping to help him like a normal human and not trying to heal him with angel powers. Jake glared at him and me when he saw what I was doing. I quickly removed my hand sensing that Jake's wolf side was starting to act up a little.

'Sam. I think Jake's gonna phase tonight. He's being a total butt, he's burning up, and he's way more angry than he normally is.' I connected to Sam, who was on the Rez while I was in Port Angeles. Huh, so I can read from this far away.

'Okay, get him here as soon as you can.' he told me, and I nodded.

"What? I was feeling sick before the movie, okay?" Mike said to Jake who just scoffed.

"What is your problem?" he asked in disbelief.

"Right now? You're my problem. Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital. You want me to put you in the hospital?" Jake hit the ground and stood, advancing onto Mike. I quickly got in between, gently pushing Mike backwards.

'Okay, yeah, Sam, Jake is definitely going to phase, any minute now.' I said trying to control my panic.

"Jake! Jake. Jake, the movie's over. What are you doing?" Bella said, grabbing his hand and putting her other one on his torso holding him back.

'Get him to his house! Now!' He yelled at me, and I straightened up.

"Jake. Let's go. Come on," I said, going to grab him and pull him to the Rez. I'll even fly him there if it'll get him away from causing damage. Both ignored me, and I huffed, now is not the time for them to ignore me.

"You're really hot. Like, you feel like you have a fever. Are you okay?" Bella asked, feeling his hand with both of hers. I ignored the stinging and hurt that it was causing me, as I focused on him.

"I don't know what's happening," Jakes breathing became heavy, so I started sending calming waves to him.

"I gotta go," he said, quickly walking away.

"I'll go with to make sure he's okay Bella. Bye Mike, hope you feel better soon," I said rushing after Jacob.

"Jake, I know what's happening. Come on. We have to go see Sam," I said, but he only shook his head.

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