Chapter 16

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I just finished packing Uncle Harry and dad's lunches for their fishing day, and Bella just hung up the phone from another unanswered call to Jake.

"Okay. We should be back around 3," dad said, putting the lunch boxes by the rest of the gear.

"Hey," he said to Bella as I sat on the couch.

"Look, I don't have to go fishing today," he said, wanting to be here for her.

"Yes you do," Harry said, and I looked back at him with a smile. I'm glad dad had those two to take care of him when we weren't here.

"Yeah. You do. Go. What are you talking about?" Bella asked rhetorically, and he looked at me.

"Just be careful and get a lot of my favorite," I smiled at him trying to stay happy. Jake's in good hands with the pack. And while I am mad at him for acting the way he was and saying the things he did, I still want him safe.

"Always am," he sighed looking to both of us then moving towards the door.

"Those bears won't get the drop on me, Bella, angel. My kung fu is strong," Uncle Harry said, squeezing my shoulder as he walked past the couch. They left, and a few minutes later Bella came back down from her room.

"Come with me to Jake's, please," she said, and my eyes widened. Oh no.

"Bells, I don't think that's a good idea. He has mono remember, and you get sick so easily. We shouldn't," I tried, but she only grabbed her coat and gave me a look, one that said 'I'm going with or without you.' I sighed and got up.

"Fine," I mumbled. I quickly put my shoes and raincoat on.

As we drove to the Rez, I let Sam know and sighed hoping that this would go okay.

"There he is. What is he doing outside and shirtless?" Bella pointed to him as we passed him in the driveway. Oh no.

She stopped the car and turned it off looking at him. She quickly got out, and I followed while subtly making the rain not fall on me.

"Jake!" She screamed out, and I glared at the ground.

"Hey!" she screamed again. He finally stopped across the little creek and turned to us as we marched to him. We stopped a few feet in front of him, and I couldn't help but look him over, seeing the change the phasing took on him, making sure he wasn't injured.

"You cut your hair off?" She asked, and with a closer look at his shoulder, she noticed the pack symbol.

"And got a tattoo?" She asked, I stayed a couple feet behind her, still on the bridge.

"Bella. Linnie," he said and his eyes widened and his heart picked up as he looked at me. I lightly gasped as my heart stopped when I made eye contact with him. It feels like a missing puzzle piece just slipped into place. Like that small hole I've always had was just filled. I feel this pull to him, like I had to be by him. The rain started falling on me as I couldn't concentrate on keeping it off. Everything seemed to shift, and if it was even possible my mind became more about him. I saw him in a whole different way, I saw his aura, the bright gold, for wolf, shining and the other colors peaking out showing his emotions. I felt my angel side try to show and overpower me, wanting to go to him more than anything. He took a step to me, and my feet moved before I could even tell them to.

"I thought you were too sick to come outside! Or pick up the phone when I call." Bella said, causing both of us to snap out of whatever just happened.

"Go away," he looked at her, and I could just feel his mood shift.

"What?" She asked while I stayed quiet. I'm still shocked and confused on what just happened. He probably sees my aura, the wings and halo, which is why his eyes widened and his heart picked up. Now I'll have to explain to him what I am.

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