Chapter 6

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That's how the next 2 months passed. I didn't have another breakdown, which is good, and I've regained my strength. I did my normal routines, catching a ride with dad to school instead of Bella. Instead of practice on Thursdays with the Cullens, I now had practice with the pack, making it two times a week I was with them. On Saturdays after ballet, I spent them at the Black's house. Speaking of, I was there now.

"Jake, for the love of everything good, please put the tools down and show me what you've been doing!" I laughed trying to get him to come down from the loft inside the barn. He's been up there a lot, or we're working on the rabbit.

"No, I'm not done! I should be done with it by your birthday!" he yelled out and I huffed.

"That's not for 3 more months! It's only December!" I plopped down on a purple bean bag.

"Then you'll only have to wait three more months! I'm coming down," he said as he started coming down the stairs with a box under one arm. He was slowly but surely getting stronger than normal, and I sighed. Even with the leeches gone he's still going to phase, after all, he is the great-grandson of the chief and alpha Elpiam Black.

"Ohh what you got there?" I asked getting up and grab the box from him.

"Wait, it's heavy-okay," he said. He watched as I just took it and brought it over to the back seats of the rabbit that were taken out.

"Oh Uhm, I've been trying a different workout lately, getting more strength in my arms." I lied and hid the grimace on my face. The more time I spend with him the harder it is to lie to him.

"I don't know, I think it's some of my mom's things," he said, taking a seat next to me on the blue bean bag. I stopped opening the box and removed my hands, I know how hard it still is to talk about her.

"Oh, we don't-"

"No, we should. It's okay," he said opening the box with a deep sigh. We slowly pulled out Shara Black's items, and he would tell me the memory he had with it. A lot of the items, like a little pink blanket with ballerinas on it, a little music box, that I had the necklace to at home, and a dream catcher, I had memories with as well. The necklace is safely put in a jewelry box that has a little ballerina in it, Rachel I think, got me that when I was little.

"You know, despite having two older sisters, my mom always considered you a part of the family," I smiled at him, I knew she loved me, but I didn't know she thought of me as one of her own.

"Yeah?" I asked flashbacks of Shara chasing Jake and me around at La Push or the Rez playground, or pretty much anywhere, went through my mind.

"Yeah. you remember Rachel and Rebecca, one liked boyish things and the other liked books more, but then there you were. Ballet and everything pink, like her own little doll. I remember once when we were 7, you had just got into a car accident, you were with a friend from dance-"

"I was friends with someone either than you? Shocking." I tried to lighten the mood and it worked. He laughed, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Shocking yes, I know. Anyway, you had somehow survived with only cuts, bruises, and a broken arm. The doctors called it a miracle, my parents call it an angel and the spirits. My family and your dad were waiting in your room for you to wake up. I'm not gonna lie, I was crying. Seeing you in that hospital bed, I swore to myself, at 7, that you'd never be in a hospital bed again, not if I had anything to do with it. My mom, always the one to believe in the tribal legends, was telling me how you're gonna be fine. That the spirits weren't gonna allow you to die because you were destined for a future that would save lives one day. She was also telling me how they wouldn't take you from me because we're fated together, whatever that means. I never really believed in the legends but the spirits, those I do, so I believed her and then you woke up." he told me the story and I just sat there in awe holding the little music box in my hand. I never knew any of that.

"Shara would always say you and I were gonna end up together. I think our parents put bets on it." I laughed remembering the many times she would make Jake and I run away from each other in disgust after saying how we're so cute together. At the age it was a gross thought, boys had cooties. As we got older and closer on a different level after she died, we were only 10 but it wasn't so gross anymore.

"Yeah then you moved so both our parents lost." he hit my shoulder a little laughing, and I laughed as well.

"Hahaha like I had a choice. If I did, I would have been back 6 months after moving to Phoenix. The first year and a half was not fun, Bella and I fought constantly. But then things started working out. Now she's a totally different person. It's okay though because I have you back." I smiled at him, happy.

"And I have you. Want to work on the rabbit some more? I can teach you more about the engine." he asked and I nodded, getting up and gently putting the music box back in the box, then moved to the car with him.

Cielo would probably be cheering so much right now. She had liked Jake, although I like him a lot I can't get my hopes up. His fur when he phases might not match my wings, which means he's not my fated. I do hope though, that Shara and Cielo aren't wrong.

Before he could start teaching me about the car engine more, I got a call from dad saying we need to talk.

"Hey Jake, I'm sorry but dad needs me home," I said, going to him and loosely wrapping my arms around his neck from behind. He was sitting, going through his tools then wrapped his large hands around my forearms.

"Why?" he asked, pouting a little and I laughed.

"I don't know. He just said we need to talk. I'll be back tomorrow," tomorrow is Sunday, so I wanted to go take a walk at La Push, and then go to Emily's and bake with her. We're running low on bread at home, and at the Blacks.

"Okay, I'll give you a ride," he said, and I nodded with a smile, moving away.


"Thanks, Jake." I kissed his cheek bye, then went up to the house.

"What's up dad?" I asked, sitting on the couch next to him.

"I don't know what to do about your sister anymore. I know you wake up when she starts screaming again, so I know you get how bad it is. I-she's worrying me, and I'm exhausted. I don't know what to do." Dad just about broke down in front of me, which he has never done before.

"I'm sorry dad. I've been no help these last few months. I was just so mad at Bella for what she said to me that I didn't even think about you and how this is impacting you. I'll take over while you get to sleep. I'm sure Uncle Billy wouldn't mind if you crashed on his hideaway bed in the living room for a bit," I said, wanting to cry at seeing my dad so broken. I've been so selfish letting my emotion, my anger, and hurt, caused by the Cullens leaving and Bella's words that I completely didn't see how it was affecting dad.

"I don't want you to completely take over, it's exhausting and it's the parent's job. I-"

"No, dad. I will. You've been doing this for months now. I can't let you continue. You have an important job, and if you aren't your best then people, you could get hurt and that would crush me and Bella even more if something were to happen to you. If I have to call the Blacks and get them to come to drag you back to the Rez I will." I said prepared to get my phone out. He still seemed hesitant.

"How about this, give me until February, and if she's not better or at least a little more active then she can go to Jacksonville. At that point, mom might be the only one that can help." he thought about it for a moment then nodded.

"Okay. Deal, but if it starts to be too much on you and your grades suffer then she's going. I won't have two zombies in this house." he said seriously, and I nodded. At least zombies aren't real.

"Go pack a bag, and call Uncle Billy, my shift starts tonight," I said standing, and he nodded getting up and hugging me.

"How did I ever get so lucky to have you as a daughter. Thank you," he said, and I nodded. First I'll start by trying to get her to eat something. 

~Eva realized how much her dad is taking on and is going to start helping. We also got to learn some of her history with the Black family! Thanks for reading!~ 

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