Chapter 3

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Oh please let tonight go smoothly.

I landed lightly, accidentally blowing open the glass doors as I did. They all looked at me, minus Bella and Edward who aren't in the room. I gave a little opp's smile and grimace, and they all lightly laughed.

"They just got here, we are finishing some decorating. Come help." Esme said. I nodded putting my wings up, putting my jacket on, and entering the room. I closed the door behind me and helped finish. I listened for Bella and Edward and grimaced when I heard them talking about the Volturi.

"They are never going to get you little one," Rose said, coming up to me, I'm guessing hearing their conversation as well.

"I know but Celio left me with the memories of what they have done and they scare me. Anyway, you look amazing!" I said taking in her long black dress.

"You look beautiful as well. Although some shoes would have really tied the look together," she said, and I looked to my bare feet.

"Huh, I was in such a rush, I didn't even notice. Alice is gonna yell at me when she notices." speaking of Alice, she had gone to get them and we all took our spots. Carlisle and Esme standing together by the gifts table, me behind the couch, Jasper behind me to the right more, and Rose and Emmett to the left in front of Jasper more.

Bella emerged at the top of the stairs, and I smiled brightly at her. Alice led her down the stairs with her hand and Bella was smiling.

"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in," Carlisle said, approaching her first, the rest of us shortly behind.

"If that is even possible. Happy Birthday, Bella!" Esme said, giving her a big hug.

"Thanks," she looked to Alice who just took a picture.

"I found it in your bag. You mind?" Bella shook her head no and gave a shrug.

"Dating an older woman. Hot." I heard Emmet say to Edward on their position on the stairs. I laughed along with Edward, both of us shaking our heads a little.

"What?" Emmet asked, looking between us.

"She's not actually-you know what. Never mind." I reached up, patting his arm.

"You first Rosalie." Alice handed Rose the gift to give to Bella. She took it with one hand and gave it to Bells.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out," she explained and I rolled my eyes a little.


'Your not supposed to tell her what it is.' I said to Rose, opening the link.

'Yeah well, that's what happens when you don't really like someone.' I disconnected and we all moved out the way a little so Bella and Edward could get a picture together.

"Show me the love," Alice said, taking one.

"This one is from Emmet," she said as she handed Bella a wrapped box. She shook the box confused.

"Already installed it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system for that piece of..."

"Hey!" Bella and I stopped him.

"Hey don't- don't hate the truck," she said, shaking her head with a small smile. A few of us laughed a little, and Alice gave her another present.

"Open Esme and Carlisle's gift."

"Just a little something to brighten your day," Carlisle said and I was curious.

"Yes, you've been looking kind of pale lately," Esme said, and I shivered at the temperature of the house. I was just now realizing that it was freezing. Bella was opening the gift, and as she did she got a paper cut.

"Ow. Paper cut." She hissed a little in pain holding up the bleeding finger then bringing it to her other hand to look at it. Edward and I acted quickly, him having heard Jasper's thoughts and me feeling his emotions. Edward stepped in the way pushing Bella away and as she flew back I jumped towards her wrapping her in my arms and wings, shielding her as we hit the wall. We fell on top of the small table lined with glass vases holding roses, breaking them. Edward had pushed Jasper away harder, which caused him to land on top of the piano crushing it. He jumped up ducking Carlisle, but he was grabbed by Emmet who was able to hold him long enough for Carlisle to grab his other arm. They held him back as he growled and hissed looking at Bella who was tucked to my side, barely visible because my wings hid her.

"Jaz, Jaz. It's okay. It's just a little...blood." Alice said trying to calm him, but paused then looked over to us. I wrapped my arms tighter around Bella once I realized that somehow she cut her upper arm. Jasper snarled and I glared at him doing my own growl back.

"Get Jasper out of here," Carlisle said vamping over to us. I held my hand up towards him, it lit with energy.

"I have to see the wound. I won't hurt her." he held his hands up and I glanced behind him seeing Emmet take Jasper out.

"I'm sorry- sorry- I can't." Alice started and went after them. Rose and Esme went quietly, but Edward stayed. That's when I moved to let him kneel more in front of Bella and I stood in front of them with my wings out wide. I glared at Edward and stayed ready in case Jasper, or the others rushed back in.

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office. Check on Jasper, both of you. I'm sure he's very upset with himself, and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you two right now. Edward, Eva." Carlisle said and Edward walked out. I turned to them confused, and let my wings relax back to normal.

"Me as well? I doubt Jasper values my presence that much." I said, but he only gave a small smile.

"He holds you in high esteem, Eva. Plus, maybe you can help to control his thirst a bit more."

"Oh okay, but I'll be quick. I want to be by Bella's side." I said running towards the room the others are in.

"Jas?" I questioned standing in the doorway.

"Eline. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I-" I cut him off by walking over and hugging him.

"It's okay, I know you're new to the no human blood diet. Emotions, hunger, and thirst get the best of us. I'm not mad." I said as we hugged, I rubbed his back and controlled his hunger, and sent calming emotions through him. It was only surface level but hopefully, it would be enough to take some of the edge off.

"Thank you," he said, releasing me. I nodded and sent everyone a reassuring smile before I left the room, going to the doc's office.

So much for tonight going on without a hitch. 

~Thanks for reading! I hope you're enjoying it so far!~

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