chapter 7

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*January 14*

Today is a very special day. Dad gave me permission to not go to school today, and he's gonna take Bella watch tonight so that I could celebrate today and spend the night celebrating, like I did when I was little.

"Hey Uncle Billy! Just wanted to make sure it was okay that I take Jake from school today." I asked into the phone as I was driving to the Rez high school. Dad also let me borrow his non-work truck for the day.

"Only this once, yes. You two don't get into too much trouble today," he said lightly, but there was a little warning in his voice. I couldn't help but laugh.

"We won't! Thank you!" with that I parked in the Rez high school parking lot. It was morning break right now so everyone was outside in their own little groups. I had 16 baby blue balloons tied to my wrist, present under my arm, and a box of brownies in one hand. People were staring at me like I was crazy, but the others that recognized me said hey.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I screamed as soon as I got behind Jake, who was sitting at a picnic table with Quil and Embry. I popped a little confetti cannon and it went all over him. He was shocked but laughed and smiled looking at the confetti. He turned and his smile somehow got bigger.

"Linnie!? I wasn't expecting this! Thank you!" he yelled out, getting up and crushing me in a bear hug, which I returned.

"What are you doing here?" he happily asked and sat back down.

"Hey Eva!" quil shyly said, and I smiled at them.

"Hey Eva! Come to steal our boy from school?" Embry asked, and I laughed sitting down.

"Hey boys and yes actually! Your dad already called the school so you're all free to go. I made brownies so dig in boys." I said opening the container of brownies I spent the early morning making. I knew better than to try to get one while they were, so I waited a moment. Jake handed me a corner piece, which is my favorite and smiled, eating his own.

"How many cups of coffee did you have?" Jake asked, nodding a little to my slightly shaking hand. I put it under the table and smiled.

"I don't know like 2..." he gave me this look like he didn't believe me, and I sighed.

"Just about a pot of it," I admitted and they all had wide eyes.

"I made one for the brownies! I found a recipe, and I was up, so I figured I'd try it, and if they ended up bad I'd still have time to make a different batch. The recipe called for like a cup of coffee, so I just made a whole pot of it for the morning, but it was calling out to me! By the time I got here I finished the last cup! Plus the brownie with it, so basically a lot," I innocently shrugged and smiled, and they blinked.

"Oh, so you choose to have a coffee high for a week?" Quil asked, and I laughed.

"Man you didn't even bring us some," Embry fake pouted, and I laughed more.

"You could literally die from that much coffee." Jake said, and I looked at him.

"Yeah but I'm not going to. So many people do that all the time! It's fine! I feel like I'm going a million miles an hour, but it's fine! We're gonna have such a fun day!" I said pushing the present to him.

"Starting with a present!" he laughed, opening the little box. It was a little black rock with the Native American protection symbol painted on it in white.

"There's a leather string attached to it, so you can hang it on the rearview mirror of the rabbit when it's finished or as a bracelet, but you'd have to adjust the string. It's for protection," he was holding it up and had a gentle smile on.

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