chapter 57

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I was walking in the second-floor corridor to get to Defence Against the Dark Arts when I nearly walked right into someone. I halted to a stop, my blood running cold. Mara leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. Like a predator sitting in wait.

I glanced over my shoulder but I really had nowhere to go. I couldn't be late and give Snape more reason to hate me. I had already pushed my luck plenty of times with him. If I was late, he would give me detention out of spite.

"Hello, brave Gryffindor." Speaking with such mockery in her tone, Mara pushed herself off the wall and walked towards me until I was backed into a corner with nowhere to go.

I exhaled slowly, maintaining my calm. I wasn't sure I would be able to contain my hatred for her much longer. I was also afraid that if I lash out the way I want to, I may very well end up blind, or worse.

"Mara. Hi." I forced an insincere smile. "What do you want?"

She cocked her head to the side with nonchalance. "Oh, I heard a little rumour."

I refrained from rolling my eyes as I tried to move past her and walk away. She grabbed my arm, her nails digging into my skin to stop me.

"Come on." She peered down at me, sheer wickedness in her eyes. "Have a little fun. Loosen up once in a while-I heard you're good at that."

I sighed as I backed away from her. It would be easier to get this over with than pick a fight with her. Seeing as the corridors were empty, class had started and I was already going to be late anyways.

"What do you want?"

A shrewd smirk grew on her face. "You see, I was quite fascinated to hear of your newfound hobbies."

I stared at her tiredly. "Hobbies?"


I froze. The hairs on the back of my neck stood. "What?"

Mara laughed faintly, amusement dancing within her brown eyes. "Personally, I partake in the occasional drug use for partying purposes but-well, you do you. You must be quite fucked up if your drug use is purely for numbing-purposes."

I blinked. I just stared up at her, speechless and stunned. Why the hell is she doing this? "I don't-what do you want from me?" I stared at her in a loss; defeated, exhausted.

Mara shrugged nonchalantly, careless as ever. "I heard your friends are adamant about you staying clean but what's the fun in that?" She laughed. "You shouldn't let them guilt trip you into doing something you don't want to."

I scoffed quietly. "Don't act like you're trying to help me."

She feigned a frown. "But I am." She reached into the pocket of the leather jacket she wore-obviously not caring for dress-code; pulling out a small baggie and dangling it in front of my face. Inside were a dozen familiar white pills. I stared at them. "Despite what you may think, I can keep a secret if you can."

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